
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:21:02


Epic and tragedy
In western literature,undoubtedly,epic and tragedy are of extraordinary importance which has significant value of culture and history in the system of western literature.When it comes to western literature,and also,literature and art,the epic and the tragedy are of the essence.The so-called epic is an old form of poetry whose production age was earlier than the general or existing lyrics and tragedies of the ancient Greek,and which consists of the record of the ancestors' merit and the recall,descriptions and praises of the tribal war,ethnic migration along with expand of empire,adventure and expedition in the historical process.For example,the Homeric Hymns of ancient Greek,the Mahabharata and the Ramayana of ancient India as well as the Gilgamesh of ancient Babylon.They all have some common features:solemn in style,large in capacity,great in length and abundant in content.
Although poetry's reflection of migration of nationality and development in the classics of Chinese Han nationality,it does not have the characteristics of the epic in the eyes of capacity,length and content.For example,in the Books of Songs,Shengmin,Gongliu,Huangyi,Mian and Daming respectively recorded the history of each stage from the birth of the first ancestor Houji of Zhou nationality to the ruin of Shang Dynasty and the establishment of Zhou Dynasty and eulogized the historical merit of the successive dynasties ancestors of Zhou Dynasty leading the native people to hard work,development and growth.Linking these several works together,obviously,it forms a epic portrait of birth,development,growth and expansion of Zhou nationality,however,it still does not have the epic momentum and scale from the size of the space.
The so-called tragedy,defined in Poetics by Aristotle:"Tragedy is an action imitation which is serious,complete and has certain length".He emphasized that tragedy is a imitative action and should be performed on stage.This kind of imitation is not "art imitates nature" just like what Demokrit said but a serious,complete,and has certain length one and aims at people or even human society.This imitation must follow the the three unities(time,place and plot) and it is the strict tragedy only when complying with it.
In the west,the classic tragedies are countless.The ancient Greek author Aeschylus's works and Shakespeare's four tragedies(Hamlet,King Lear,Othello and Macbeth) are especially famous as well as Moliere,etc.However,the unique tragedy that can be seen in China is Zhaoshi Orphan belonging to Yuans of drama.But it is not a tragedy if judging from the three unities.


英语翻译史诗与悲剧1、在西方文学中,史诗和悲剧无疑是两个非常重要的部分,这二者在西方文学的体系中有着重大的文化价值和历史价值.谈到西方文学和文艺学,史诗和悲剧是必不可少的.所 我国三大英雄史诗与西方史诗的差异 最能代表 古希腊 文学成就 的是什么?是 悲剧 还是 史诗 希腊文学最高成就A.喜剧B.悲剧C.史诗D.小说 西方最长叙事诗是荷马史诗吗? 在荷马史诗中,古希腊人如何看待战争与和平,生命与死亡 3文学基础新史诗什么意思 古罗马与荷马史诗相当的史诗不要一大段! 外国文学史名词解释俄林波斯神系 荷马史诗 伊索寓言 古希腊悲剧 古希腊旧喜剧 诗学 罗马文学的“黄金时代” 普罗旺斯抒情诗 骑士传奇 中世纪英雄史诗 城市文学 列拿狐 文艺复兴 人文主 人民解放军百万大军横渡长江体裁 结构文学体裁的分类:神话、史诗、寓言、童话、抒情诗、短篇小说、中篇小说、长篇小说、悲剧、喜剧、正剧、抒情 《荷马史诗》有何文学价值和历史地位 中国三大英雄史诗分别是什么?文学知识 荷马史诗中讲述了 孢子怎么在生物阶段变史诗 英语翻译《魔戒》是英国作家John Ronald Reuel Tolkien的史诗奇幻小说,是现代正统奇幻文学小说的开山鼻祖也引发了龙与地下城类型(Dungeons & Dragons)游戏和文学的兴盛.《魔戒》最初在公元1954年 几道语文题,判断题1 古希腊“荷马时代”(即“英雄时代”),文学的最高成就是“荷马史诗”.荷马史诗是欧洲最早的大型文学著作,在文学史上有深远的影响.2 柳永,字耆卿,北宋著名词人,代 谁知道《孢子 SPORE》 中 生物阶段里除了史诗生物还有比史诗生物还厉害的?如果有,最好截图 如果没有,那么请告诉我在史诗生物钟哪个生物最厉害 荷马史诗是欧洲最早的大型文学著作,在文学史上有深远的影响.这句话对吗?