
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:48:09


In the current environment, product design and manufacturing, rapid prototyping is fast becoming a standardized method. By using rapid prototyping technology, relevant reports that have been saving time and cost savings achieved great benefits. However, these benefits of new products from design and planning stage, the production of those used for design evaluation, assembly and market analysis in the form of small batch production rapid prototyping parts and get.Currently, due to the rapid prototyping system requires a high inventory costs of materials, making this method even in stages of product evaluation and production of small batches are living beyond their means. In addition, the rapid prototyping process of the existing mechanical and physical properties of manufacturing differences and traditional materials, limiting the rapid prototyping method were the end product features. We tested the aluminum filled epoxy resin, and describes the characteristics of injection mold the final product

英语翻译译文:在目前的产品设计和制造业环境下,快速成型正迅速地成为一种标准化的方法.通过使用快速成型技术,相关报告说明已经在节约时间和节省费用方面取得很大的效益.然而,这些 珠三角,长三角,环渤海和西三角制造业比较长三角,环渤海和西三角在制造业产业链完善程度、政府支持力度、人才资源等方面的比对? 制造业的提升和环境有关么? 制造业中,HOSE和TUBE有什么区别?这两个单词都是管的意思,但是在制造业中两个有什么区别径 “在产品设计方面”英文怎么说? 英语翻译我国和印度在经济结构上形成鲜明对比,我国以制造业为核心,印度靠服务业带动. 英语翻译《齐客谏靖郭君》的原文和译文. 请问制造业或者电气机械和器材制造业的固流结构一般比例是多少? 计算机产品设计与传统的产品设计相比优点有哪些 创意产品设计的英文怎么说! 产品设计分析的三要素是什么 英语翻译“德国文化到德国产品设计”论文题目,主要讲德国文化对德国产品设计的影响,大家看看题目怎么翻译比较好? 英语翻译原文和译文 英语翻译原文和译文. 急,两个词和半句话的英语翻译职场专家制造业人才复合型人才持续走旺 关于中国玩具制造业的未来及如何看待目前的危机与机遇? 目前机械加工制造业前景怎么样? 请问:产品设计工作室的英文怎么说呢studio 不是指音像,录音等工作室吗,用在产品设计工作室,可以吗