会做的帮下忙!4.Don't go___fast.we can't keep up with you.A.so B.very C.much D.kind of 5.His father was in hospital___.A.for june B.during june C.for month D.during a month 6.His brother was hurt___the match.A.during B.for C.in D.with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:34:39

会做的帮下忙!4.Don't go___fast.we can't keep up with you.A.so B.very C.much D.kind of 5.His father was in hospital___.A.for june B.during june C.for month D.during a month 6.His brother was hurt___the match.A.during B.for C.in D.with
4.Don't go___fast.we can't keep up with you.A.so B.very C.much D.kind of 5.His father was in hospital___.A.for june B.during june C.for month D.during a month 6.His brother was hurt___the match.A.during B.for C.in D.with

会做的帮下忙!4.Don't go___fast.we can't keep up with you.A.so B.very C.much D.kind of 5.His father was in hospital___.A.for june B.during june C.for month D.during a month 6.His brother was hurt___the match.A.during B.for C.in D.with
1.A so...that...这里省略that 表示太怎么样而怎样 2 B during表示在什么期间 3 A 也表示在比赛期间伤了腿

A,so是如此的意思,别的都不恰当 B,在六月的时候,for是完成时的标志 A,他的兄弟在比赛期间受伤

If you don't go to the party,I won't go___.A.so B.too C.either D.also Somethings,I don't say,I don't ask,don't mean I don't care. 语法有毛病吧don't mean I don't care.没主语啊。somethings 也不能做这个的主语 请问don't you see做插入语的意思 会做的帮下忙!4.Don't go___fast.we can't keep up with you.A.so B.very C.much D.kind of 5.His father was in hospital___.A.for june B.during june C.for month D.during a month 6.His brother was hurt___the match.A.during B.for C.in D.with Don‘t don的发音?不是歌词的中文发音就是“Don’t don”这两个英文单词怎么发音?don’t我当然会,don怎么读?是“洞”吗? 请放心英语怎么说?比如说,请放心,我会帮你做的.不要告诉我是don't worry...我要别的说法 I can't decide where to go___请在横线上填介词或副词, don't的过去式 don’t的原型 don't的用法 1.Let’s go___(thing)depend on air.2.He is busy___(get)ready for his new work.3.It’s only a few hundred___(metre)away.4.The little girl couldn’t find___(she)way home. Don't worry,I'll() () what you said 别担心,我会照着你说的话做 分析一下下面句子的成分(英语)Please don’t get angry.get做系动词 angry做表语 那Please don’t 呢? 写出下列单词的过去式 go___ read___ eat___ have___ watch___ play__ see___ write___ take__ leave___ 是谁为don't don填的词谁知道don't don 是谁填的词 英语翻译下次你不能捉弄他了,他会不高兴的.Please don't ----------------next time .. 别担心,我会尽快返回的.Don't worry.L will be back_____________. Don't mistake------(第四)for------(第四十) 词汇运用,会的就帮一下哈