以下句子各句都有一个语法错误,请找出后并改正We think this human to make a mistake.What is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:00:24

以下句子各句都有一个语法错误,请找出后并改正We think this human to make a mistake.What is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language
We think this human to make a mistake.
What is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language

以下句子各句都有一个语法错误,请找出后并改正We think this human to make a mistake.What is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language
We think this man must( have)make a mistake.
The fact is that Chinese is being accepted as an international language

What is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language(What----it)主语从句
We think this human to make a mistake. (to 去掉)

以下句子各句都有一个语法错误,请找出后并改正We think this human to make a mistake.What is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language 找出句子中错的一个单词改正后并翻译they are eat grass 下列句子有一个错误,请找出并改正She usually starts the day for breakfast 请找出下列句子的错误,并改成正确句子. (下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并改正) 请读句子,找出错误(写序号),并改正. 请找出以下英语句子中的错误并进行改正Books were beautifully illustrated bt the man named Harmsen van der Beek. 找出句子中错的一个单词改正后并翻译Mr Black wants Jack go to London 请找出以下数字规律,并填空:2,7,16,39,94,( )227,237,242,257 找出句子并画出语素 从以下的句子中找出一处错误Where are you last weekend?Where为1.are为2.last为3.weekend为4.请从1234中找出一个错误的. 找出以下句子中词类活用现象并解释1、且秦灭韩亡魏2、与臣而将四矣3、请广于君4、轻寡人与这是”唐雎不辱使命“里面的 请找出以下英语句子中的错误并改正Enid Blyton was thr British writer who published over 600 children's books.Blyton was probably a most successful British children's writer of a twentieth century.把答案写出来 请写出以下词语的古今异义,并从《岳阳楼记》中找出相对应的句子(作文 制 备 景 尝 去 国 把 是 微)RT 请英语高手帮忙找出以下句子语法错误,急用,只有周末的时间……如好的话追加1、 When the dead of night,to listen a Blues.2、When reading,listen a Chamber Pop.3、Before going to bed,listen a classical music.4、If 动物也在全球化 12.请从文中找出能够充分体现说明文语言特点的一个句子并进行简要分析. 一个英语句子找错改正,she is very young then.有三个地方错了--she young then ,找出一处来,并改正.请说出理由. 请找一个较好句子,并赏析