
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:08:23


Many places(depends on what place you are talking about,the noun can be changed.) are decorated with Christmas decorations with the approach of another year's Christmas.To think back from the past year,there are many things I wish to convey through writing,but whenever my pen touches the paper as I begin to write,the thoughts I wish to write down drift away as if unimportant.So all I can do,is to stay in the moment.
不知道你觉得怎样,^^ happy holidays!

Another Christmas is coming, as many places have been decorated with Christmas trees. I feel like that I can write down a lot in my memory of the year. But when they come to the point of my pen, they suddenly become much less important. So I tell myself, just enjoy the life I am living at the moment.

翻得好再加分,谢谢啦:)问题补充:拜托大家别拿翻译工具了,那个我也会,自己翻译得好的,我可以多加分。 OMG。。很专业啊。。。 The multi-

Is a year of Christmas is coming, a lot of places decorated the Christmas tree, a year come down to think back like you have a lot of words to say, but the words to the nib think no big matter, a good living in the present.

It is a year when the Christmas Day is coming, a lot of places decorated the Christmas tree, come down one year to come to think of it seems to have a lot to say, but words to the nib also no big deal, live in the present

Another Christmas is coming,many places had decorate Christmas tree,I think I have many things to say,but I when write it that's nothing to write,I need to learn well.

帮忙翻译一段话,中文到英文如题,麻烦帮忙翻译的尽量口语一些,内容是:又是一年的圣诞节即将来临,很多地方装饰了圣诞树,一年下来回头想想好像有很多话想说,但话到笔尖也就觉得没有什 求帮忙翻译一段中文到英文的,多i谢啦 麻烦帮忙把英文翻译成中文, 麻烦帮忙翻译一段文字..请问货是否已准备妥当?并请告知重量如题,麻烦翻译成英文.意思相近即可,谢谢了狠简短的一句话,在线翻译我大可以自己去找,麻烦人手.拜托了 一段英文帮忙翻译一下啦 帮忙翻译一段英文语音?扣扣 243371077 请英语达人帮忙翻译一段中文到英文1 您可以对照下方的尺码表去选择你需要的尺码.----英语怎么说呢? before coating帮忙把一段英文翻译成中文 请大侠帮忙翻译一下中文到英文,企业养老,医疗保险,失业保险,生育保险,工伤保险 请达人帮忙翻译中文. 麻烦帮忙翻译成中文! 麻烦帮忙翻译成中文 英文人名翻译INDIAN的麻烦高手帮忙,TAGE PUNYA 和 KHYLLAIT VERONICA要翻译成中文,怎么翻啊? 我的中文姓名叫 黄颖,麻烦各位帮忙翻译成为英文的(要准确)的.1 请帮忙翻译一段话,中译韩, 帮忙把中文名字翻译成英文 不是像拼音直接翻译的那种 叫张雨桐.女孩麻烦各位 帮忙想一个好点的.谢谢~ 帮忙写一段贺新年的英文,还有翻译 麻烦告诉帮忙翻译下《代金券》的英文? 麻烦翻译一段话(英文)