50分!求一段话的翻译~(请不要用软件翻)Research at MIT, started by Bar-Hillel in 1951, was directed by Victor Yngve from 1953 until its end in 1965. Whereas other groups saw syntax as an adjunct to lexicographic transfer, as a means o

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50分!求一段话的翻译~(请不要用软件翻)Research at MIT, started by Bar-Hillel in 1951, was directed by Victor Yngve from 1953 until its end in 1965. Whereas other groups saw syntax as an adjunct to lexicographic transfer, as a means o
Research at MIT, started by Bar-Hillel in 1951, was directed by Victor Yngve from 1953 until its end in 1965. Whereas other groups saw syntax as an adjunct to lexicographic transfer, as a means of resolving ambiguities and rearranging TL output, Yngve placed syntax at the centre: translation was a three-stage process, a SL grammar analyzed input sentences as phrase structure representations, a 'structure transfer routine' converted them into equivalent TL phrase structures, and the TL grammar rules produced output text. There is some evidence of the influence of transformational grammar (Chomsky was associated with the project for two years), but in many respects the practicalities of MT led MIT researchers away from Chomskyan theory. Much was achieved both in basic syntactic research and on developing the first string-handling programming language (COMIT). But eventually the limitations of the 'syntactic transfer' approach became obvious. By the mid-1960's Yngve acknowledged that MT research had come up against the 'semantic barrier... and that we will only have adequate mechanical translations when the machine can "understand" what it is translating' (Yngve 1964).

50分!求一段话的翻译~(请不要用软件翻)Research at MIT, started by Bar-Hillel in 1951, was directed by Victor Yngve from 1953 until its end in 1965. Whereas other groups saw syntax as an adjunct to lexicographic transfer, as a means o
1951年,MIT的Bar-Hillel教授发起了这项研究,自1953年起由Victor Yngve负责,直至1965年研究结束.其他研究者认为句法的作用是帮助实现词汇转移,是解释歧义和重组目标语言输出的一种方法.而Yngve则把句法放在中间位置,翻译分为3个阶段,第一阶段是运用源语言语法法则将输入语句分解为几个词组结构的表达,第二阶段是按照“结构转换规则”将源词组结构翻译成目标语言中意义对等的词组结构,第三阶段是运用目标语言语法法则将词组组成完整的语篇.研究者已经注意到转换语法的影响(Chomsky曾对该项目做个2年研究),但是在许多方面,机器翻译的实例让研究者们摒弃了Chomsky的理论.他们在基础句法研究和第一字符串处理编程语言的开发(COMIT)中已取得了丰硕成果.但最终研究者们发现,“句法转换”的方法有很明显的局限性.20世纪60年代中期,Yngve也承认关于机器翻译的研究已经碰到困难,“语意障碍...因为只有当机器‘知道’他们在翻译什么时,翻译出来的内容才会合适”(Yngve 1964).



麻省理工学院的研究,始于扎希勒尔在1951年,是针对从1953年由维克多Yngve直到1965年结束。而其他团体认为这是一个辅助词典转移,作为解决含糊和重排热释光输出手段,Yngve放置在中心的语法语法:翻译是一个三阶段的过程,一个SL语法分析为词组输入的句子结构表示,一'结构转移常规'热释光转换成相当于他们短语结构,语法规则和热释光产生的输出文本。有一些语法的转换影响的证据(乔姆斯基是与项目相关的两年),但在许多方面吨的实用性率领乔姆斯基理论麻省理工学院的研究人员了。大部分都实现了基本语法研究和开发的第一个字符串处理的编程语言(COMIT)。但最终的'句法转移'方法的局限性变得越来越明显。到了60年代中期的Yngve承认吨的研究已经碰到的语义垒起来...而且我们将有足够的机械翻译只有当机器可以“理解”是什么翻译'(Yngve 1964)。


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