这个句子里的语法能帮忙看一下吗Professor Justice says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child.为什么用having focused,本人不大懂语法 ,求整个句子的语法解释,Justice教

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:38:59

这个句子里的语法能帮忙看一下吗Professor Justice says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child.为什么用having focused,本人不大懂语法 ,求整个句子的语法解释,Justice教
Professor Justice says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child.为什么用having focused,本人不大懂语法 ,求整个句子的语法解释,

这个句子里的语法能帮忙看一下吗Professor Justice says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child.为什么用having focused,本人不大懂语法 ,求整个句子的语法解释,Justice教
说白了只有两个层次——第一个层次是 Professor Justice says,这个“Justice 教授说”(叫个啥不好,非叫个Justice,这名儿起的.).第二个层级就是“说什么”,也就是后面的那一堆.
去掉前面的Professor Justice says,后面的从句是一个独立的句子:This knowledge can be gained 【by having focused discussions】【when reading a book to a child】.
这个句子里的方框里的两个短句的层次是并列的,你也可以互换这俩方框的位置,说成This knowledge can be gained when reading a book to a child by having focused discussions.表意基本是一样的,顺序的差别可能仅仅反映出一点点说话人对于侧重点的区别.

1. 最外层结构是:Professor Justice says (that)... 这里省略了的that引导了后面的宾语从句;
2. 第二层:that的具体内容——this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions...这是一个被动语态用法;
3. 第三看when reading a book to a child...


1. 最外层结构是:Professor Justice says (that)... 这里省略了的that引导了后面的宾语从句;
2. 第二层:that的具体内容——this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions...这是一个被动语态用法;
3. 第三看when reading a book to a child,这是一个条件状语从句,表示具体的这种“给孩子阅读书本”的情况。
4. 你的问题是,为什么用having focused,因为介词by后面如果接的是动词,都要用动词的ing形式。


certainly:professor justice says kids can get those knowledge when they reading discuss that.

have done 是完成时态,表明时间先后顺序,在be gained 之前发生的。

这个句子里的语法能帮忙看一下吗Professor Justice says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child.为什么用having focused,本人不大懂语法 ,求整个句子的语法解释,Justice教 帮忙看一下这个句子My special life will be continued.语法对吗? 帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法结构吧that is all there is to it 帮忙看一下这个句子I have never seeen a mirrow that didnt appear properly.这个句子里 的appear问题出在哪里?这个词不是有显现的意思吗?如果错误,应该换成什么单词? 帮忙看一下这个水表的读数 帮忙看一下这个东西的价值. 帮忙看一下这个动物的学名 If we dream,everything is possible.这句话在语法上有错误吗?能帮忙分析一下句子的各个成分吗~主语谓语什么的~ 帮忙看一下这个英语句子有没有语法问题!I've gotten positive results in violin performance exams during the past two years. 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分和语法结构,谢谢!This is not necessarily the case, however. 请高手帮忙分析一下这个英语句子的语法结构,The feast to honor the war god 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法TD-LTE licenses,and related phone launches,are expected by year-end. 写几道数学题能帮忙看一下吗 I have advised her when the bags will arrive.这个句子后面为什么用will arrive 而不是arrive(虚拟语气我是在看虚拟语气语法讲解的时候看到的,不理解,麻烦大家帮忙讲解一下!不胜感激! 帮忙看一下这个句子的语法,managers in non-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.1 an SUMPRODUCT(ROUNDUP((D31+E31)/F31*G31,))帮忙看一下这个公式里的那个逗号是什么意思 帮忙分析一个西语句子Esa finca se la ha dejado su mujer.这个晦涩的句子是我在看西语语法书时看到的,请问能不能具体分析一下它的语法结构啊?感激不尽····句子我查了,绝对是正确的,所以才很 请高人帮我看一下我这个句子的语法对吗?Hong Kong students are very busy at school