
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 10:09:08

本合约有效期从 年 月 日生效,到 年 月 日终止.若双方在合约终止日期前二个月内,没有任何一方提出书面通知另外一方,要求终止合约不再续约,则本合约在期满后将自动续约二年.此后自动续约方式皆循以上所述.

A franchisor has jurisdiction to any government agency requirements regarding any provision of the contract to the beauty, negative or beauty products sales business to take any action, meaning beauty company reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time written notice and immediate effect.
The beauty of a franchisor company has the right to contract management of related products sales work and activities and survey.
A franchisor shall have the right to request the beauty companies provide products comply with relevant standards.
A franchisor shall have the right to request the beauty in the contract period, guarantee company in the franchisor sales territory management rights and interests.
A franchisor shall have the right to request the beauty company free meaning beauty companies provide market information, market guiding relevant information data.
A franchisor shall have the right to request the beauty of his time, the company every month to get this contract provisions of related to point and reward.
A franchisor shall have the right to obtain this agreement other rights are shown.
A franchisor must provide enough warehouse storage beauty products, earnestly, keep warehouse inventory management of beauty products perennial inventory on average GDP in five times more tasks, to ensure the supply of goods. While a franchisor must also in monthly 26 before 17, beauty products during the invoicing and purchase plan monthly statements, fax beauty must be true and correct. Report
A franchisor must be equipped with a sufficient number of experienced professionals and assistant in the beauty products sales work, and in the designated area sales outlets or more established distribution, actively pushing point-of-sale beauty of the company all series products, ensure the various series of products of Italy timely in marketing, make sure the sales task completion.
A franchisor must strictly in accordance with the agreement of the distribution of regional business license contract, guarantee the products of this contract product sales channel stability, such as a franchisor across authorized areas, beauty day corporation as a franchisor default, and shall have the right to impose a franchisor day three times the amount of the fine or reserves the right to cancel the franchisor to deduct such franchise and deposit. Specific measures as follows:
Beauty without allowing a franchisor, in any way and the reason for the development of regional sales distributor, otherwise considered outside the day.
A franchisor if in regional sales with project, must first to beauty in written form submitted company, so that the beauty of the franchisor company taking protective measures.
A franchisor if in distribution area, the right to negotiate project to beauty, company in the pay check trans-regional operators fails to report, prepared under the condition of the franchisor can operate on this project.
To ensure its employees a franchisor can consciously maintenance beauty products and brands of good reputation, use unified trademarks, as the products of high quality display and superior performance. In accordance with the franchisor must ensure the beauty of stylist designed drawings on the company's request to decorate, make store inside and outside decoration style and other beauty distribution outlets unification.
All the stores of the franchisor shall follow the billboard signs advertising company provides the beauty of written materials and the provision plan (hereinafter referred to as the "advertisement"), in order to make the whole of China's various beauty advertising logo merchandise to agree
The beauty of the franchisor and the trust contract worked. If a franchisor plans to sell assets, or over or business partners, recruiting new business mergers and transfer or other forms of transformation, need two months early written notice beauty. If not, according to the contract beauty company reserves the 8.3 (e) terms are all right.
A franchisor must, in accordance with the related beauty, promotional materials recommended in the proper position, and that means the promotion materials will not be used for other competing products, not intentionally using propaganda endangering the beauty and the reputation of the brand. In addition, the franchisor shall have the obligation in the contract deadline promotional materials, safekeeping manage the whole or part of the once any damage, destroy, stolen, immediately notify the beauty.
After the signing of the contract, the franchisor must be in 30 days to pay a deposit (account) financial confirmed as the contract. If the contract effective date 50 days did not play the franchisor, contract termination.
The validity of this agreement, effective in months from the date of termination to years. If the parties in the contract within two months before the date of termination, without any one party, the other party a written notice required to terminate the contract, the contract no contract after the expiration of the contract will be in two years. After renewed automatically means all follow the above mentioned

英语翻译对特许经营商有管辖权的任何政府机构要求对本合约的任何条款作出对意美公司不利修改时,或就意美公司产品销售业务的经营采取任何行动时,意美公司有权随时发出书面通知终止 民事诉讼法 管辖权异议人民法院受理的案件,当事人对管辖权有异议的,最多可以在多少天内提出管辖权异议? 英语翻译“特许权合同”是指两个经营单位之间的法律关系.特许经营商(乙方)从特许者处(甲方)购买某成套许可证,并同意执行其原则.前者与后者的经营活动是分别进行的,但前者可以接 求英语翻译:(详见问题补充)“特许权合同”是指两个经营单位之间的法律关系.特许经营商(乙方)从特许者处(甲方)购买某成套许可证,并同意执行其原则.前者与后者的经营活动是分 英语翻译特许经营已有一百多年的发展历史,它所取得的成功已为世人瞩目.近几年,特许经营在我国也有巨大发展.这一分销方式之所以长盛不衰,有其经营优势.1.特许商利用特许经营实行大规 下列各项中,属于国际重复征税产生原因的有().A.地域管辖权与地域管辖权的重叠B.居民(公民)管辖权与收入管辖权的重叠C.居民(公民)管辖权与地域管辖权的重叠D.居民(公民)管辖权与居 请问,欧洲国家通过特许公司对非洲殖民统治 和 在非洲直接的殖民统治,有什么不同? 国际税收管辖权的含义 英语翻译BOT:承包商在特许期内负责项目设计、融资、建设和运营,并回收成本、偿还债务、赚取利润,特许期结束后将项目所有权移交政府. 英语翻译以及 特殊管辖权中 的反诉 ,停止,向法院的特别提交的英文翻译是什么? 根据民事诉讼法的规定,人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖权有异议的,应当在下列何时提出?A .起诉期间根据民事诉讼法的规定,人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖权有异议的,应当在下列何 英语翻译摘 要特许经营在世界范围内得到快速发展,这一成功的模式也被引人了我国.我国部分特许经营企业多年来发展速度较慢且规模不大,主要原因是特许经营企业核心竞争力缺失.本文通 判断题 1、经有管辖权的水行政主管部门批准,在饮用水水... 英语翻译翻译:在我看来,政府这样做是对的. 管辖权恒定原则的具体含义; 管辖权恒定原则的具体含义? 英语翻译如双方因履行本协议发生争议的,应尽量协商解决;如确实无法协商解决的,双方均同意提交A所在地有管辖权的法院提起诉讼解决. 英语翻译:任何想要加入毅行者活动的人都要对团队精神有一定的认识