每句的四个括号中有一个是错的,挑出每句中那个错的:1.(If)you (will buy) one box at the regular price,you would receive (after one) at (no) extra cost.2.(Either) the brother (or) the sister will tell (th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:42:23

每句的四个括号中有一个是错的,挑出每句中那个错的:1.(If)you (will buy) one box at the regular price,you would receive (after one) at (no) extra cost.2.(Either) the brother (or) the sister will tell (th
1.(If)you (will buy) one box at the regular price,you would receive (after one) at (no) extra cost.
2.(Either) the brother (or) the sister will tell (their) father about what (has happened).
3.You’ve to (hurry up) (if) you want to buy something (because) there’s hardly (something) left.
4.The book was (so bored) that I (returned it) (to the library) (without finishing) it.

每句的四个括号中有一个是错的,挑出每句中那个错的:1.(If)you (will buy) one box at the regular price,you would receive (after one) at (no) extra cost.2.(Either) the brother (or) the sister will tell (th
1.will buy --- buy ( 条件壮语从句 用一般现在时替代将来时)
2.their---the /her ( 就近原则)
3.something--- anything (hardly 否定词)
4.so bored---- so boring (boring指...令人厌倦;bored 指人感到厌倦)

答案RIGHT 拍胸脯保证

will buy
has happened
so bored

每句的四个括号中有一个是错的,挑出每句中那个错的,并说明为什么.1.(Red and green) light,(if mixing),(in) the right proportion,(will give) us yellow.2.I feel like (to take) a long (walk).(Would) you like (to go) with me?3 每句的四个括号中有一个是错的,挑出每句中那个错的:1.(If)you (will buy) one box at the regular price,you would receive (after one) at (no) extra cost.2.(Either) the brother (or) the sister will tell (th 短歌行 对酒当歌 人生几何每句中挑出一个词对他进行分析,分数绝不吝啬 致橡树中每句的意向 将100只质量不相等的苹果排成一个方阵,有10行和10列.先在每一行种挑出一只这一行种最重的苹果,再从这挑出的10只苹果中挑出一个最轻的,写上记号A,然后再将这10个苹果放回原处再在每一列 从每小题后的四个选项中找出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的一项 从以下成语中各挑出一个字,组成杜甫的一句成语:白雪皑皑,千家万户,东窗事发,含血喷人,东张西望,崇 请你在每句诗的括号中填一个字,作为诗的腰孤村落日( )残霞,轻烟老树( )寒鸦. 请你在每句诗的括号中填一个字,作为诗的''腰'' 七八个星[ ]天外,两三点雨[ ]山前. 下面每组的五个词中有四个是不同类的,把不同类的词挑出来,写在括号里.1、司机 工人 教师 医生 老人 ( )2、剪刀 线团 布头 打结 顶针 ( ) 纪念白求恩中 文章每段的中心句 木兰诗中每句用的修辞手法快 四句能激励人的短语在军训中教官要求四句,每句四个字的能激励人的短语.明天要, 谁能帮忙想每句四个字的伤感点的句子?每句四个字,多写几句,最好是好听点的! 一个钟面摔破成三份,每份有四个数字,每一份中四个数字的和是26,请你画出这个钟面被摔成什么样? 求关于春天每句四个字的诗 用“红尘霸主”这四个字写首每句第一个字的诗, 求高三迎考誓词,四句话的,每句四个字.要经典、有鼓舞的那种.