英语翻译短句是 the remains of horse-whim,怎么翻译呢,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:14:08

英语翻译短句是 the remains of horse-whim,怎么翻译呢,
短句是 the remains of horse-whim,怎么翻译呢,

英语翻译短句是 the remains of horse-whim,怎么翻译呢,



whim:异想天开 horse-whim:天马星空的想法
remain 保留,保持

英语翻译短句是 the remains of horse-whim,怎么翻译呢, 英语翻译是it remains的用法呀,用it remains造几个句子, 英语翻译短句 the robot remains the remains of the building的主语是什么后面的谓语是根据remains还是building,是is还是are 英语翻译Understanding of climate change remains limited 这个 remains limited 看不懂···说一下是怎么个用法 the fact___ that Taiwan is a part of China.remains,remaining,is remained,is remaining答案是remains,为什么?翻译 英语翻译remains as the code item column under which good practice was observed这是一份报告中的一条,完整的一条就是这样的。 英语翻译The question of whether visual expression might be interpreted by using linguistic rules remains open. 英语翻译It remains a question when the new classroom building will be completed. 英语翻译It is missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth centuryB.C. the robot remains 空间链接 Remains of the Day歌词 Love remains the sam° The fact remains that no one knows the aThe fact remains that no one knows the address.请问一下这个句子是定语从句还是同位语从句. NCE第三册英语 .The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteen century B.C.为什么用dating from?remains 到是动词还是名词?如果是动词为什么用复数?remains Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched.remains 他是不及物动词 为何没有介词!帮翻译 that是何成分! how to solve the problem remains to be discuss 和how to solve the problem remains to discuss哪个是对的.为什么