X,Y:Integer;BeginY:=0;X:=1;While X0 Do Begin Y:=Y+X;Read(x);End;Write(Y)End.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:21:42

X,Y:Integer;BeginY:=0;X:=1;While X0 Do Begin Y:=Y+X;Read(x);End;Write(Y)End.
X,Y:Integer;BeginY:=0;X:=1;While X0 Do Begin Y:=Y+X;Read(x);End;Write(Y)End.

X,Y:Integer;BeginY:=0;X:=1;While X0 Do Begin Y:=Y+X;Read(x);End;Write(Y)End.
public class Clazz{
public static void main(String[] args){
int X, Y;
java.util.Scanner scanner=new java.util.Scanner(System.in);

X,Y:Integer;BeginY:=0;X:=1;While X0 Do Begin Y:=Y+X;Read(x);End;Write(Y)End. Private Function p1(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer)p1 = 2 * x + y + 3 * zEnd FunctionPrivate Function p2(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer)p2 = p1(z,y,x) + xEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim c As 帮忙VB试题我怎么想都算不对Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Integer,b As Integer,c As Integera = 5b = 3c = 4Print SecProc(a ,b ,c)End SubFunction FirProc(x As Integer,Y As Integer,z As Integer)FirProc = 2 * x + y + 3 * zEnd FunctionFun 麻烦解释这个程序Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)x = 4:y = 5:z = 6End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer,y As Integerx = 1:y = 2:z = 3Print x,y,zCall pl(y,z)Print x,y,zEnd Sub X被定义为integer类型,y被定义为boolean类型,对赋值语句y=1 在窗体上有一个命令按钮Commandl,编写事件代码如下:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer,y As Integerx = 12:y = 32Call Proc(x,y)Debug.Print x; yEnd SubPublic Sub Proc(n As Integer,ByVal m As Integer)n = n Mod 10m = m Mod 10En If x is a prime number,y is an integer ,and x^(21-x)=x^(y^2+3),then xy^2=_____ NOIP普及组第三题结果很奇怪这是我的程序program missile;varx:array[1..10000]of integer;y:array[1..10000]of integer;a,b,i,n,x1,y1,x2,y2:integer;m1,m2,mincost:real;beginread(x1,y1,x2,y2);read(n);for i:=1 to n dobeginread(x[i],y[i]);end;m GMAT数学求解If x, y, z areinteger and xy+z is an odd integer, is x an even integer?1) xy+xz is an even integer2) y+xz is an odd integer 求解一道Gmat数据充分题If x and y are integers,is y an even integer?(1) 2y – x = x^2 – y^2(2) x is an odd integer.条件(1)单独就是充分的 1.If x is an integer greater than 1 and if y = x + 1/x,which of the following must be true?I.y x II.y is an integer.III.xy > x^2 (A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I,II,and III 英语翻译constnum = 5;varn:integer;function r(n :integer) :integer;vari :integer;beginif n 【GRE数学】If x is an odd integer,for which of the following equations must y be an even integer?RT 其他选项都排除了,只剩x+2y=7 & 2x+y=6PS.by the way,integers between 1 and 100,包括1和100这两个数吗? A four- digit integer,WXYZ,in which W X Y and Z,each represent a diffrent digit,is fprmed according to the following rules1 X=W+Y+Z2 W=Y+13 Z=W-5What is the four-digit integer? 第一个:Public Xuv Mysub4(x As Integer) x=3*x-1 if x Dim a(9) As Integer,x As Integer,k As Integer,I As Integer RandomizeDo While I 请写出下列程序执行完所有赋值语句后X,Y,Z的值program e_224(input,output); var x,y:integer;z:real; begin x:=20; y:=x+x; x:=x+y; y:=x+y; z:=round(对z作四舍五入计算)(sqrt(y)); end. program kuohao; type a=array[1..100]of char; var x:string; y,i,s,top:integer; b,t:a; begin top:=0; program kuohao;type a=array[1..100]of char;var x:string; y,i,s,top:integer; b,t:a;begintop:=0; i:=1; s:=0;readln(x);y:=length(x);repeatif x[i]='(' then