英语翻译1.Beneficiary's certificate addressed to issuing bank confirming their acceptance and/or non-acceptance of all the amendments made under this credit quotting the relevant amendment number.意思是不是:受益者提供其发证行出

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:33:14

英语翻译1.Beneficiary's certificate addressed to issuing bank confirming their acceptance and/or non-acceptance of all the amendments made under this credit quotting the relevant amendment number.意思是不是:受益者提供其发证行出
1.Beneficiary's certificate addressed to issuing bank confirming
their acceptance and/or non-acceptance of all the amendments
made under this credit quotting the relevant amendment number.
2.A fee of usd50 or its equivalence is for account of beneficiary
and will be deducted from the proceeds on each presentation of
discrepant documents,if any.
3.Discrepant documents presented will be rejected and held at
the presenter's disposal.Nevertheless,if our bills department does
not actually receive the presenter's instruction to return the
documents by the time the applicant has accepted and/or paid
for the documents,we may release the documents to the
applicant without reference to the presenter.

英语翻译1.Beneficiary's certificate addressed to issuing bank confirming their acceptance and/or non-acceptance of all the amendments made under this credit quotting the relevant amendment number.意思是不是:受益者提供其发证行出
1.Beneficiary's certificate addressed to issuing bank confirming their acceptance and/or non-acceptance of all the amendments made under this credit quotting the relevant amendment number.
2.A fee of usd50 or its equivalence is for account of beneficiary
and will be deducted from the proceeds on each presentation of
discrepant documents,if any.
3.Discrepant documents presented will be rejected and held at the presenter's disposal.Nevertheless,if our bills department does not actually receive the presenter's instruction to return the documents by the time the applicant has accepted and/or paid for the documents,we may release the documents to the applicant without reference to the presenter.

Beneficiary's Ref. 英语翻译1.bemeficiary name2.beneficiary street address3.beneficiary bank account4.beneficiary bank address5.beneficiary bank city6.beneficiary bank swift code/souting/ABA国外的朋友要往国内汇钱,需要我提供这些信息,可我英文 英语翻译1)BENEFICIARY’S DRAFTS INDUPLICATE DRAWN ON US AT SIGHT BASIS MARKED-“DRAWN UNDER COMMECIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC,DHAKA”QUOTINGOUR L/C NUMBER.2)BENEFICIARY’S MANUALLY SIGNEDINVOICES ISSUED IN FOUR FOLD BENEFICIARY TO CERTIFY THE FOLL 英语翻译PACKING DECLARATION TO BE PRINTED ON BENEFICIARY'S LETTERHEAD AS PER THE COPY OF FORM WHICH HAS BEEN FAXED TO THE BENEFICIARY.感激不尽. 英语翻译1.ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED THROUGH BENEFICIARY’S BANKER AND EXTRA COPY OF INVOICE AND TRANSPORT DOCUMENT FOR L/C ISSUING BANK’S FILE REQUIRED.2.CHARGES INCURRED IN RESPECT OF ANY TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER/CHATS PAYMENT/PAYMENT ADVIC 信用证中同时出现BENEFICIARY'S singed STATEMENT 和BENEFICIARY'S CERTIFICATE是不是要分别制作BENEFICIARY'S singed STATEMENT 和BENEFICIARY'S CERTIFICATE 英语翻译pls collect your commissions before releasing to beneficiary this l/c and relative amendment/s,if any. 英语翻译46A DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BENEFICIARY'S SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN(1) ORIGINAL AND(2)COPIES.ESTABLISHED IN THE NAME OF:(APPLICANT WITH FULL NAME AND ADDRESS)THIS INVOICE MUST BEAR BENEFICIARY'S DECLARATION READING AS FOLLOWS:WE CERTIFY THA 英语翻译- All banking charges are for 1st beneficiary's or openers(end customers) account except charges of Commerzbank which are for 2nd beneficiary's account.麻烦大侠帮忙翻译 英语翻译47A:1.INSURANCE COVERED BY THE OPENERS ALL SHIPMENT UNDER THISCREDIT MUST BE ADVISED BY THE BENEFICIARY WITHIN THREE WORKINGDAYS OF SHIPMENT TO M/S.ASKARI GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED4TH FLOOR,AWT PLAZA,THE MALL,RAWALPINDI,PAKISTAN 英语翻译1.Beneficiary's certificate addressed to issuing bank confirming their acceptance and/or non-acceptance of all the amendments made under this credit quotting the relevant amendment number.意思是不是:受益者提供其发证行出 英语翻译本人菜鸟一名,求前辈们帮帮忙翻译1.BENEFICIARY'S CERTIFICATE ADDRESSED TO THE ISSUING BANK CONFIRMING THEIR ACCEPTANCE OR NON-ACCEPTANCE OF AMENDMENTS MADE UNDER THIS CREDIT QUOTING THE RELEVANT AMENDMENT NUMBER.SUCH CERTIFIC 英语翻译credit available by negotiation with any bank in China against presentation of the documents detailed herein and of beneficiary's draft(s) at **********sight 英语翻译original clean mate's/master's receipt signed by the mastrer fo the carrying vessel consigned to the applicant with full address shouwing the beneficiary as shipper 信用证 beneficiary's certificate.beneficiary's certificate to this effect is required 寄文件到某公司,and beneficiary's certificate to this effect is required 英语翻译Beneficiary's certificate certifying that one set of copy of documents having been sent to applicant by express within 5 days after shipment. 英语翻译that the amount of such claim(s) represent and covers the unpaid balance ofindebtedness in connection with your granting loan facility to the beneficiary. 英语翻译Certificate of origin gsp form a In one original and one copy.Beneficiary’s certificate stating that all documents has been sent within 2 days after shipment.