高中英语翻译, 请指导.可能在你们看来,我是一个很不和善,很高傲的人.是因为我给人的第一印象就很凶,而且,我眨眼睛的时候很像翻白眼.这是我的烦恼.而其实,熟悉我的人知道我对人友好..

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:56:15

高中英语翻译, 请指导.可能在你们看来,我是一个很不和善,很高傲的人.是因为我给人的第一印象就很凶,而且,我眨眼睛的时候很像翻白眼.这是我的烦恼.而其实,熟悉我的人知道我对人友好..
高中英语翻译, 请指导.
可能在你们看来,我是一个很不和善,很高傲的人.是因为我给人的第一印象就很凶,而且,我眨眼睛的时候很像翻白眼.这是我的烦恼.而其实,熟悉我的人知道我对人友好..可能某某人听着我说的话,正在心里说我的不是,我也不知道该如何待你.我也很想知道我做错什么..有个说法说我总是不承认错误,其实每次我总是说不出一句"sorry".而过后我总是很后悔.是我口才不好,出口就得罪人..现在,我不知道如何表达自己的内心,学着坚强吧! 在这里,我想谢谢某个人,她就是XXX.你一直鼓励我,一直站在我身边,理解我.非常感谢你.
上面是翻译的内容,是我用于free talk演讲的,我想你们写一下,让我看我有没有哪些错了.谢谢指导.

高中英语翻译, 请指导.可能在你们看来,我是一个很不和善,很高傲的人.是因为我给人的第一印象就很凶,而且,我眨眼睛的时候很像翻白眼.这是我的烦恼.而其实,熟悉我的人知道我对人友好..
Maybe in your view, I am an unkind and proud man, because the first impression I give to others is rather fierce. Moreover, when I blink my eyes, it seems that I am showing the whites of my eyes. It is my annoyance. However, people who are familiar with me all know that I am friendly man..Maybe someone may blame me in his or her mind when he or she is listening to me. I really do not know how to treat you and I also want to know what I have misdid..There is a statement that I never admit my false. However, the fact is that it is difficult for me to say "sorry" out,even though I say it in my heart numerious times. And after that ,I regreted much. My eloquence is poor, and it is easy for me to offend others when I am speaking...Now, I do not know how to express my deep feeling. The thing I only can do is learning that how to become adamancy. And, I want to thank XXX. She always stands in my side, understands me and encourages me. XXX, thank you.
楼主你好:我基本上是直译的,只是有一两句可能是意义的,因为直译的话,别人可能听不懂你在说什么.同时,为了便于听者的理解,我加了一句话even though I say it in my heart numerious times.最后一句话:,她就是XXX.你一直鼓励我,一直站在我身边,理解我.此话语序不正确,应是站在身边,理解我,鼓励我.同时用你不正确,因为你讲演的对象不是那个女孩,而是听众,因此在最后我做了一下调整.如果楼主你另有用意,自己就可以改过来.因为最后一句话比较简单


May in your eyes, I am one is very on bed terms and kind, very supercilious person.BE because I am fierce to very much for the person's first impression, and, I blink the time of eyes to be like to tu...


May in your eyes, I am one is very on bed terms and kind, very supercilious person.BE because I am fierce to very much for the person's first impression, and, I blink the time of eyes to be like to turn over cold stare very much.This is my agony.But in fact, the person who acquaints with me knows me amity to the person..If the probably so-and-so person listens to I say, saying just and in mind I is not, I also don't know how to treat you.I also want to know I do amiss what very much..There is a parlance to say I always deny a mistake, in fact I always could not say a "sorry" each time.But later on I always regret very much.Is my eloquence isn't good, exit have to convict..Now, I don't know how express an own heart, learn strong! Here, I want to thank to be personal some, she is a XXX.You has been encouraging me, has been standing at nearby, I comprehend me.Thank you very much.



Maybe in your eyes, I am a proud person rather than a friendly guy,That is because my first impresson on others is rather fierce. What's more, when I blink my eyes, it seems that I am giving sb a dirt...


Maybe in your eyes, I am a proud person rather than a friendly guy,That is because my first impresson on others is rather fierce. What's more, when I blink my eyes, it seems that I am giving sb a dirty look. This is just what troubles me most. But in fact, those who are familiar with me know it very well that I am friendly to others...Maybe someone who is listening to me might saying to herself at heart about my faults.However, I also wonder how I should treat you. I also want to know what I have done wrong...Someone often says that I never applogize for my faults. As a matter of fact, I couldn't speak out that I am sorry. But each time I am always feeling regretful afterwards. That's because I am poor at expressing myself. Whenever I say something, I will hurt others...Now,I don't know how to express my inner heart. Let me learn to be strong! Here, I'd like to give my hearty thanks to someone, that is XXX.You have been encouraging me all the time, standing by my side all the time, and understanding me all the time. I feel greatly thankful to you. Thank you very much!


Possibly looked like in you that, I am am not very genial, very arrogant person Is because I give person's first impression very to be ominous, moreover, I wink the eye time picture to turn the superc...


Possibly looked like in you that, I am am not very genial, very arrogant person Is because I give person's first impression very to be ominous, moreover, I wink the eye time picture to turn the supercilious look very much This is my worry But actually, is familiar with me the person to know I am friendly to the person. Possible someone the person to be listening to the speech which I said, in the heart was saying I am not, I did not know how should treat you I also very want to know I make wrong any. Has a view to say I always do not acknowledge the mistake, actually each time I always cannot say "sorry" But after I always very much had regretted Is my eloquence is not good, the exportation offends the person. Now, I did not know how expresses own innermost feelings, studies is being strong! In here, I want to thank some person, she is XXX. You continuously encourage me, continuously stands in my side, understands me Extremely thank you


Possibly looks like in you, I am one am not very genial, very arrogant person. Is because I give the person's first impression to be very ominous, moreover, I wink eye's time shows the whites of the e...


Possibly looks like in you, I am one am not very genial, very arrogant person. Is because I give the person's first impression to be very ominous, moreover, I wink eye's time shows the whites of the eyes very likely. This is my worry. But actually, is familiar with me the person to know that I am friendly to the human. Possibly somebody is listening to the words which I said that was saying at heart I am not, I did not know how should treat you. I also very want to know that I make the mistake anything. Had a view saying that I always did not acknowledge the mistake, actually each time I always could not say one " sorry ". But I always very much will regret from now on. Is my eloquence is not good, the export queers. Now, I did not know how to express own innermost feelings, is studying strongly! In here, I want to thank somebody, she is XXX. you have encouraged me, has stood side me, understands me. Thanks you


May in your eyes, I am one is very on bed terms and kind, very supercilious person.BE because I am fierce to very much for the person's first impression, and, I blink the time of eyes to be like to tu...


May in your eyes, I am one is very on bed terms and kind, very supercilious person.BE because I am fierce to very much for the person's first impression, and, I blink the time of eyes to be like to turn over cold stare very much.This is my agony.But in fact, the person who acquaints with me knows me amity to the person..If the probably so-and-so person listens to I say, saying just and in mind I is not, I also don't know how to treat you.I also want to know I do amiss what very much..There is a parlance to say I always deny a mistake, in fact I always could not say a "sorry" each time.But later on I always regret very much.Is my eloquence isn't good, exit have to convict..Now, I don't know how express an own heart, learn strong! Here, I want to thank to be personal some, she is a XXX.You has been encouraging me, has been standing at nearby, I comprehend me.Thank you very much.


It is possible that I am a person who is unkind and proud in your sight.I know this is because of the fierce look on my face at the first empression,and my eyes always show the whites indeliberately w...


It is possible that I am a person who is unkind and proud in your sight.I know this is because of the fierce look on my face at the first empression,and my eyes always show the whites indeliberately when they blinking.This is my vexation.Only people who is familiar with me knows my amicableness.
Maybe somebody of you is listenning to my words and speak ill of me in your mind.I don't know how can I deal with you.Because I don't know if I have done something wrong.Somebody said that I did'nt confess the corn.In fact,I am very regretted for my recreance that I still could not even say sorry to you.I am not a conversationist,therefor I am always an offender on any occasions.I don't know how to express my mind now.The only thing I want to say is every should learn to be strong.
In the end, I want thank a person who is understand me,stand with me and give me encouragements all the time.She is XXX.Thank you very much.
我是英语专业大二的学生,翻的还不大专业,不过用来FREE TALK 应该可以了。


In your view may be, I was a very good, very proud people. Was because I gave the first impression on Henxiong, and I Caecus Fanbaiwen time like this is my problem. Matter of , I am familiar with the ...


In your view may be, I was a very good, very proud people. Was because I gave the first impression on Henxiong, and I Caecus Fanbaiwen time like this is my problem. Matter of , I am familiar with the people know that I am on friendly .. may be certain people listen to the words of me is that my heart is not, I do not know how to question you and I would like to know what I am doing wrong .. There is a saying that I do not always admit its mistakes, in fact every time I could not always a "sorry." but after I always regret. bad I eloquence, exports have to sinner .. Now, I do not know how to express their inner , a strong school! Here, I would like to thank a certain individual, and she is XXX. you have encouraged me, has been at my side, I understand. thank you very much.

