let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:56:48

let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项
let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项
let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项

let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项

let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项let's home A stay B to stay C stay at D to stay at 选项 Let`s ( )home.括号里填什么 A.stay B.to stay C.stay at D.to stay at Let's stay at home [] computer games.A plays B to play C play It's _____cold today.Let's stay at home.A too much B much too C very much D much let's stay at home and _____TV ____ heavily it is raining Let's stay at home.____ heavily it is raining Let’s stay at home.A .How B What C.What a D How a if it tomorrow,let's stay at home A.raiins B.will rain C.rainit和tomorrow中加 ____if it rains tomorrow?Let's stay at home.A.Where B.When C.What D.Why ——it's snowing heavily outside ,let's stay at home A.Before B.For C.Though——it's snowing heavily outside ,let's stay at homeA.Before B.For C.Though D.Since -Let's stay at home and watch TV.-_____.选择:A.OK B.That's all rightC.That's OK D.Right 最好说明不选其他的理由.Let's stay at home and ____computer games.A.plays B.to play C.play D.playing Let's stay at home and watch TV 回答 A.All right B.Yes,very much C.Thank you D.No,sorry ---what shall we do now?---()it's raing hard,let's stay at home.A.So B.Since C.---what shall we do now?---()it's raing hard,let's stay at home.A.So B.Since C.Though D.If为什么是B? a.Pleease let me watch TV b.I will stay at home if合并 分词练习Don't let me ——alone at home A.to stay B.stay C.staying D.stayed let's------home a.goes b.go c.going let‘s home togeter a go b goes c togo It's (raining) hard .So I (must) stay (at home).A B C1楼,stay at home 是对的