by在这句中的意思we often get discouraged by failure while preparing for the college entrance exam.还有“while”这词,在这里是代表一段时间吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:07:36

by在这句中的意思we often get discouraged by failure while preparing for the college entrance exam.还有“while”这词,在这里是代表一段时间吗?
we often get discouraged by failure while preparing for the college entrance exam.还有“while”这词,在这里是代表一段时间吗?

by在这句中的意思we often get discouraged by failure while preparing for the college entrance exam.还有“while”这词,在这里是代表一段时间吗?
by 是“由于”的意思,while在这里是“当...的时候”.这句话意思是说,当我们复习准备大学入学考试的时候,常常因为不会做或做的不对而使信心受挫.

by: 通过某种方式、方法
While :“当”做什么的时候

discouraged by “by表被动”

通过 的意思

by在这句中的意思we often get discouraged by failure while preparing for the college entrance exam.还有“while”这词,在这里是代表一段时间吗? We often go there by bike的同义句 We often go to school by taxi 同义句We often ____ _____ _____ to school. when we worked in the same company,we (would )often go shopping at weekends together这句中的would什么意思 什么语法现象?过去将来?那 often 还是 过去常常? unconscious bias 在句中的意思.At the years we do believe that racial discrimination still occurs far too often in the employment context.And we also believe that stereotypes and unconscious bias contribute to this problem. We often go to Shanghai by train.【改写为同义句】We often ___ ___ ___ to Shanghai. how often should we take the medicine for a child?这句英语的意思? 英语句不理解,we have rendered the individuals on the other end into invisibillity.on the other end在这句中的意思以及整句话的意思,by focusing so much on ourselves and our gadgets ,we have rended the inviduals on the other end into as you would be done by ,by在句中的意思和作用?这句话的意思是 已所不欲,勿施于人 taken by themselves什么意思 这句话在句首 She is by far thecleverest girl in our class翻译和BY FAR在句中的意思. 翻译:What are known about Yangzhou by most Chinese people?翻译出known about和by在句中的意思 often与usually放在句中的变化He often swim on sunday.He usually swim on sunday.两句话在意思上有什么区别吗? We often just drop by our friends' we;ge;there;shall;play;and,问句 连词成句 两句句子: 1、We have often read the magazines. 2、We often read the magazines.两句意思是否完全相同?第一句不是现在完成时么? 请问often的用法In such cases,a woman has not often much beauty to think of.这句话中的often是怎么个用法?不用和我翻译整句,我知道句子的意思,只是疑惑often在其中指的什么。 How often ,How soon ,How long.在句中的用法