durg and youthThe most dangerous and addictive narcotic is heroin.While receiving less publicity today than newer,more popular drugs,it continues to be a major problem in this country.Not only is heroin extremely addictive and dangerous,but as with c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 09:04:58

durg and youthThe most dangerous and addictive narcotic is heroin.While receiving less publicity today than newer,more popular drugs,it continues to be a major problem in this country.Not only is heroin extremely addictive and dangerous,but as with c
durg and youth
The most dangerous and addictive narcotic is heroin.While receiving less publicity today than newer,more popular drugs,it continues to be a major problem in this country.Not only is heroin extremely addictive and dangerous,but as with cocaine and methamphetamines,addicts often resort to crimes such as burglary,grand theft,robbery,or prostitution to support their habits.
Sometimes called black tar,mud,smack,China white,or Mexican brown,heroin is derived from opium poppies.In its powder form,it may range in color from white to a very dark brown.The most popular form of heroin is a dark tar-like substance called black tar,which is sold in small foil or cellophane packets or in small toy balloons.
The most common use of heroin is by injection (called "mainlining" or "shooting"),but in it's powder form it can be inhaled through the nose or smoked.Paraphernalia for injecting heroin include hypodermic needles,small cotton balls used to strain the drug,and water and spoons or bottle caps used for "cooking" or liquefying the heroin.Paraphernalia for inhaling or smoking heroin includes razor blades,straws,rolled dollar bills,and pipes.The high from the drug usually lasts from four to six hours.
If your child is under the influence of heroin,he or she may have constricted pupils,droopy eyelids,depression,apathy,decreased physical activity,and nausea.A frequent user may nod or appear sleepy,and repeatedly scratch or touch their face and nose.Larger doses of heroin may induce sleep,vomiting,and shallow breathing.An overdose can cause slow and shallow breathing,clammy skin,convulsions,coma,or death.
In addition,there is a family of chemically manufactured drugs often referred to as "designer drugs".These drugs have been falsely represented as "synthetic heroin." The most prevalent of these "designer drugs" is fentanyl citrate,also called China white,which is many times more powerful than heroin and has caused a number of deaths among addicts.Fentanyl citrate is used in the same manner as heroin.

durg and youthThe most dangerous and addictive narcotic is heroin.While receiving less publicity today than newer,more popular drugs,it continues to be a major problem in this country.Not only is heroin extremely addictive and dangerous,but as with c
最危险的毒品是海洛因,上瘾.今天比在接受宣传较少更新,更受欢迎药品,它仍然是一个大问题,这个国家.不仅是海洛因成瘾和极其危险的,但由于与可卡因和甲基苯丙胺,成瘾动辄罪案如爆窃,盛大盗窃、抢劫、卖淫或支持他们的习惯.有时称为黑焦油、泥土气息中白,或墨褐色、海洛因是从罂粟.其粉末形式,可以从不同颜色为白色非常暗褐色.最受欢迎的是一个黑暗的海洛因焦油状物质称为黑色焦油 这是出售或玻璃纸铝箔包小玩具或小气球.最常见的是注射使用海洛因(称为"mainlining"或"射击"),但它的粉末形式可以透过鼻子吸入或熏.皮下注射针头注射海洛因包括工具、小株棉花球用于药物、 水和瓶帽用汤匙或"烹饪"或液化的海洛因.吸食海洛因或吸烟包括刀片、秸秆、冷轧票据兑换、水管.高级药物通常来自约莫5点56个小时.如果你的孩子是海洛因的影响下,他或她可能限制学生座眼睑、忧郁、 冷漠、体力活动减少、恶心.用户可还是频频点头似乎想睡,一再抓伤或触及其面部和鼻子.较大剂量的海洛因可以诱发睡眠、呕吐、呼吸浅.过量会造成呼吸缓慢而浅,皮肤方便面、痉挛、昏迷,甚至死亡.此外,还有一家化学制造毒品往往被称为"设计师药品".这些药物已讹为"合成海洛因" 其中最流行的"名牌药品"枸橼酸芬太尼,又称中国白,这是强过许多倍,并引发了一批海洛因吸食死亡.枸橼酸芬太尼的相同方式使用海洛因.