rom和ram的区别 英文介绍

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rom和ram的区别 英文介绍
rom和ram的区别 英文介绍

rom和ram的区别 英文介绍
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Read-only memory (ROM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices.Data stored in ROM cannot be modified,or can be modified only slowly or with difficulty,so it is mainly used to distribute firmware (software that is very closely tied to specific hardware,and unlikely to need frequent updates).
Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage.Today,it takes the form of integrated circuits that allow stored data to be accessed in any order (that is,at random)."Random" refers to the idea that any piece of data can be returned in a constant time,regardless of its physical location and whether it is related to the previous piece of data.[1]
The word "RAM" is often associated with volatile types of memory (such as DRAM memory modules),where the information is lost after the power is switched off.Many other types of memory are RAM as well,including most types of ROM and a type of flash memory called NOR-Flash.

ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器,其中存放的数据只能读,一般不能改变,断电数据也不会丢失。RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存取存储器,其中数据既可存也可取,但断电后其中数据会全部丢失。

rom=read only memory
ram=random access memory