巴金简介 英语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:13:48

巴金简介 英语
巴金简介 英语

巴金简介 英语
Ba Jin (Pa Chin) [real name Li Feigan] was born on November 25,1904 in Chengdu,Sichuan Province,into an official's family.He received a good education under private tutorship.The May Fourth Movement in 1919 imbued him with both anarchic and democratic ideals.The following year,he studied English at Chengdu Foreign Language School.In 1923,he moved to Shanghai,and then to Nanjing where he entered the preparatory school affiliated with the Southeast China University.During the two-year study he wrote and translated several articles on anarchism.
In 1927,he went to France,where he wrote his first novel "Destruction" about a depressed young anarchist.After that,he has written a lot of books,including novels,short stories,and process and essays,with a total of six million words.His main works include:the 14-volume "Works of Ba Jin" (published in 1958-1962),"Selected Works of Ba Jin",which included "Family","Spring","Autumn","The Trilogy of Love","A Dream of Sea","Autumn in Spring".
His pen name was chosen from the Chinese transliterations of the first syllable of the name Bakunin and of the last syllable of the name Kropotkin,two anarchists that he liked.
Ba Jin has edited many magazines.From 1935 to 1949,he served as editor-in-chief of the "Cultural Life" and Pingming Publishing Houses in Shanghai.While serving as editor-in-chief of Pingming Publishing House,he also worked as vice-chairman and chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles.Since 1949,he served as chief editor of "Literary and Art Monthly" based in Shanghai,"Harvest" and "Shanghai Literature."
In September,1953,Ba was elected vice-chairman of China Writers' Association while working as chief editor of Shanghai-based literary magazines of "Literary and Art Monthly","Harvest" and "Shanghai Literature".
In 1962,he was elected chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Arts Circles.Back to work from ten years of Cultural Revolution turmoil in China,Ba worked as chairman of China Writers' Association,vice-chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles,and vice-chairman of CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee from 1977 to 1983.
Since 1983,Ba has been a vice-chairman of CPPCC National Committee and chairman of China Writers' Association.
He was a member of the first CPPCC,vice-chairman of 6th,7th and 8th CPPCC National Committees,a deputy to 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th National People's Congresses (NPC) and standing committee member of 5th NPC.
His works have been translated into and published in many foreign languages.He has also been given prizes and medals by Italy and the former Soviet Union for his contributions in translating and introducing to Chinese people foreign literary works and promoting Sino-foreign cultural exchange.He is also an honorary member of the American Institute of Arts and Letters.
In his late years,he concentrated on editing the "Complete Works of Ba Jin" (published in 1994).
Ba Jin is one of the few writers in China who live not on government pay but on royalties from their works.On his 80th birthday,he said:"I've lived on royalties all my life.It is the readers who have supported me."
Although coming from a feudal family,Ba Jin is especially enlightened with his two children.Both married partners of their own choice.His daughter is now a leading member of the editorial department of a big Chinese literary magazine while his son is a rising novelist.
After his wife Xiao Shan died in 1973,Ba Jin did not remarry.He is still passionately devoted to his deceased wife.He said:"When I lose my ability to work,I hope there will be several copies of fictions translated by Xiao Shan on my sickbed.After I close my eyes,please let my ashes be mixed with hers."
BA Jin celebrated his 99th birthday on November 25,2002,or rather,the literati of Shanghai and all over China,celebrated the approaching centenary of the writer,according to Chinese custom.
Ba has stayed in Huadong Hospital for years,with his ability to walk and speak lost to Parkinson's disease.But the writer's position as probably the most important figure in 20th century Chinese literature makes his survival a matter of great importance.
Of all the major writers active in the former half of the 20th century,Ba is probably the only one still living.

# Aiqing sanbuqu:Wu (1931),Yu(1933),Dian(1935)
(Love Trilogy:Fog,Rain,Lightning)
# Jiliu sanbuqu:Jia(1933),Chun(1938),Qiu(1940)
(Rip Trilogy:Family,Spring,Autumn)
# Translated stories by Julio Baghy,Leopold Kampf,Ivan Sergeevich
Turgenev and Maksim Gorky.
Works available in English:
# Autumn in Spring and Other Stories (Gladys Yang).Beijing:Chinese
Literature Press,1981.
# Cold Nights (adapted by Meg Jump).Singapore:Federal Publications,1981.
# Cold Nights (Nathan K.Mao and Liu Tsun-yan).Hong Kong:Chinese
University Press; Seattle:University of Washington Press,1978.
# Family.Boston:Cheng & Tsui Co.; New York:Doubleday,1972; Prospect
Heights,III.:Waveland Press,1989.
# Living amongst Heroes.Beijing:Foreign Languages Press,1954.
# Random Thoughts (Geremie Barm茅).Hong Kong:Joint Publishing Co.,1984.
# Selected Works of Ba Jin (Sidney Shapiro and Wang Mingjie).Beijing:
Foreign Languages Press,1988.
# The Family (Sidney Shapiro).Beijing:Foreign Languages Press,1958; Hong
Kong:C & W Publishing Co.,1979.