帮我看看这篇英语演讲稿,改正错的地方Hello everyone.I’m here you tell you about one of my dreams,it was a scary but meaningful storyI got up in a normal morning,put on my special clothes and mask.So that I can breathe safely.I went d

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:57:12

帮我看看这篇英语演讲稿,改正错的地方Hello everyone.I’m here you tell you about one of my dreams,it was a scary but meaningful storyI got up in a normal morning,put on my special clothes and mask.So that I can breathe safely.I went d
Hello everyone.I’m here you tell you about one of my dreams,it was a scary but meaningful story
I got up in a normal morning,put on my special clothes and mask.So that I can breathe safely.I went downstairs and took a glance at the calendar:it was April 22nd,2020.I went into the kitchen,poured my self a cup of coffee.Then I used a cleaning machine to clean some water.And I was ready to go to work.Suddenly,everything became abnormal.The man-made birds in the cages shut their mouths,The wind started to blow hard and the sky went dark.Behind the man-made trees,the clouds scudded frantically across the sky.Every few moment the moon ripped through them,creating wraith-like shadows that raced along the ground.I Sighed,After all these years,the Earth can’t stand us anymore.” .Suddenly,huge waves started to rush to my house,I ran up stairs to the attic bedroom,wrapped myself in an old blanket,with the scary sound of the wave,the wind and people’s scream ,I shook,and then I woke up.
That was just a short nightmare.But it can tell us a lot more than the simple story I told.If we continue to create harmful gases,cut trees,then my dream might be what we are heading towards.If we continue to make the global warming become more and more sirous,then we are putting ourselves and othe creatures in danger.Maybe some day ,there will not be enough room for everybody on the Earth.Peope srart to catch diseases and lose their lives more easily.And maybe one day ,the scene from The Day After Tomorrow will come true.
Or,we can totally start to protect the enviroment.Plant trees,stop burning fossil fuels and create a better world.Then,Perhaps there will be no air pollution in the world.And there will be green everywhere.Perhaps there will be no wars in the world.The world will be very peaceful and quiet.
The futue it never stable,I can only imagine how the world will look like,but the reality is always different.And I hope,some day in the future,in the year of two thousand and twenty,We can have a much better enviroment.We can pour ourselves a cup of coffee and enjoy a whole new bright day.That will be my wish.
Thank you.

帮我看看这篇英语演讲稿,改正错的地方Hello everyone.I’m here you tell you about one of my dreams,it was a scary but meaningful storyI got up in a normal morning,put on my special clothes and mask.So that I can breathe safely.I went d
I’m here you tell you about one of my dreams.
:I’m here to tell you about one of my dreams.
used a cleaning machine to clean some water.
:used a cleaning machine to clean some clothes.
more and more sirous
:more and more serious
The futue it never stable
:The futue never stable

帮我看看这篇英语演讲稿,改正错的地方Hello everyone.I’m here you tell you about one of my dreams,it was a scary but meaningful storyI got up in a normal morning,put on my special clothes and mask.So that I can breathe safely.I went d 谁能帮我修改一下这篇英语演讲稿,周五之前帮我看看有没有什么语法错误,CHINGLISH的地方,也帮我修改一下,The first time I knew the Olympic Game is in 1992,the Barcelona Olympic Game.At that time I was just a young gi 帮我看看有什么错的地方 那个地方错了请帮我改正谢 谢 请帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错误的地方 有没有英语比较好的人,帮我看看英语演讲稿有没有什么语病,可以的回忆下! 请帮我看看这篇英语文章,有问题的地方请加以改正!这是自我介绍,我英语很烂,可能有很多问题,希望能帮我吧语法什么的改正确!hello everyone ,my name is ,i come from jingzhou ,it is a beautiful city and has a 大家帮我看看第4和5题对吗?错的话,帮我改正, 帮我看看有哪些错误的地方吗英语翻译 模拟电路,大家帮我看看有错的地方吗? 哪位高人能帮我看看我的英语自我介绍有没有语法错误,怎样改正 中译英 直到患了重病,他才下决心马上戒烟.he decide to stop smoking until he got bad suffer.中译英 大家帮我来看看我的翻译有没有语法错和什么可以改进的地方吧~ 帮我看看这句话错在哪里It's about twenty floors there in our building.说明错因,顺便帮我改正一下错误 一百分献上,帮我看看这篇英语演讲稿有没有什么语法或者逻辑毛病.帮我改改漫长的暑假已经过去,我们步入了高中的校门.The summer vacation is* over.we are going to be high school students.过去的三年,我 不对的帮我改正 帮我写一遍小学程度的两分钟英语演讲稿 二次函数图像,先列表.谁能帮我看看我列的表有没有算错数呢?如果错了帮我改正下,谢谢! 请大家帮我看看这篇英文作文里面有没有错误如题.有的话麻烦写一下应该如何改正Kevin Garnett id my favourite man.He is very handsome and sexy.He's from the US.He is a basketball player from Boston Celtics.I love him very