
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:13:27


accurate :指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入.
exact :着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比accurate强.
actual 为实际的,事实上的,真实的

accurate和actual和exact各有什麼区别?有什麼不同之处? completely accurate和 sufficient accurate 程度区别? accurate和exactly有什么区别? exact和accurate有什么区别 accurate和right的不同点accurate和right有什麽不同点吗?他们应该怎麽用? 单词accurate 和exact 词性、区别、用法详细说下 超声波检测中geometric flaw和actual flaw如何翻译? 请问实际变量(actual argument)和空变量(dummy argument)有什么区别? 英语翻译请问这里的model和actual spaceship是一个东西吗? 英语单词里 accurate 和 precise 有什么不同?在化学实验报告中的问题就出现这两个单词在同一句句子里,如:Were the results accurate?Were they precise?How would you determin the accuracy and precision?accurate 和 precise Passengers should allow for___travel time to the airport in rush hour traffic. A.actual B.exact C.additional D.accurate 请详细讲解一下,同时翻译一下 帮忙分析下面这段话的主语,谓语,插入语,修饰成分和省略部分,主要语法结构和存在的特殊语法现象.Modern linguists are not attempting to explain linguistic behavior or reformance - the actual deployment of actual sent 音标u和 ʊ 有什么区别?为什么前者是是actual的音标,而后者是put音标? real和actual什么区别呀?The president was so much under his wife’s influence that she was the _______ ruler of the country. A. real B. certain C. virtual D. actual 这题选哪个好呢?谢谢各位! 在vfp中,set exac on accurate是什么意思 temporally-accurate The judgments made by the banks related to the creditworhiness of borrowers do not always prove to be accurate.这里的related 和,probe to be accurate做什么成分,这句话prove和made两个谓语,banks后面需要加that吗?