
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:07:38


1.Are you willing to change the sole of your shoes/shoe?(嗯,如果是只修一只鞋就用单数,下面都是一样的.)
如果是你要修鞋,说,我要换鞋跟:I need to change the heel for the shoe/shoes.
如果你是修鞋的,说,需要换鞋跟:The shoe needs to be changed the heel.
3.The shoes need to be repaired with glue.(鞋需要用胶粘一下)
4.For the beauty,the shoes need to be burnished and changed the toe cap.
5.Are you willing to change color for your shoes,what/which color do you like?
6.The slide fastener of the shoe is broken and need to be changed a new one.

Do you want to change bottom shoes?.. this pair of shoes I want to change a heel...
Shoe glue the need to use gooey once... In order to shoes beautiful need to change a shoe, pointed it burnish...you are to give shoes dyeing? What color to dye?...Shoes zip has broken back to a new zip...for reference only...

1.、May I have your shoes, change of base to give it?
2、 I want to change this pair of shoes in heel
3、Open plastic shoes glued about the need
4、Beautiful shoes need to give it to another t...


1.、May I have your shoes, change of base to give it?
2、 I want to change this pair of shoes in heel
3、Open plastic shoes glued about the need
4、Beautiful shoes need to give it to another toe polish
5、You are the shoes dyed to give it? What color to dye?
6、The shoes' zipper is broken need to refind a new zipper.


1. May I have your shoes, change of base to give it?
2. This pair of shoes I wanted a change in heel
3. Shoes open plastic adhesive about the need
4. In order to polish shoes need to gi...


1. May I have your shoes, change of base to give it?
2. This pair of shoes I wanted a change in heel
3. Shoes open plastic adhesive about the need
4. In order to polish shoes need to give it another beautiful toes
5. You are the shoes dyed to give it? What color to dye?
6. Shoes zip is another new zip to re-


英语翻译有一些修鞋与客户交流的常用英语请大家帮忙翻译啊1.请问您是要给鞋换底吗?2.这双鞋我要换个鞋跟3.鞋开胶了需要用胶粘一下4.为了鞋美观需要给它打磨换个鞋尖5.您是要给鞋染色 请教手表销售的英语常用口语即招贤国外客户,产品介绍,谈价,交流,成交等一系列过程 英语交流中的常用语句?我想要一些 与他人英文交流时常用的语句? 求展会上的常用英语下个月我要跟我们经理去参加展会,展会上有一些国外的客户不带翻译,我怎么跟他们进行交流我们参加的是广交会那种展会,我只是回答他们询价,产品的基本介绍 请问谁有一些经典英语翻译句型,大学常用的 英语翻译请大家把下列客户中各自负责客户的授权书补签好,与下周一前交至我处, 用英语交流的英语翻译 英语翻译主要负责与国外客户的电话与邮件交流,国外客户来济的接待工作.其中07年2月-10月被公司外派到阿联酋迪拜工作,使自己英语的听说读写能力有了很大的提高为人正直和善,吃苦耐劳, 客户交流使用技能 用英语怎么说? 与同学交流的英语 谁能不能给我些具体的酒店常用英语,寻找酒店常用交流英语 英语翻译1.排除有害物质2.与客户的合作英语翻译 英语翻译集人之智,将更多优秀的思路与资源整合起来为客户所用,成为客户核心竞争力的一部分.将这一句翻译成英语,感激不尽. 英语翻译“尊敬的客户,您的使用期限已到,请与本公司联系,感谢您的使用.” “与某人交流”的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译出国旅游用的,最好可以发音,有一些常用语句 求常用英语句型,日常交流用. 英语口语交流句子书到用时方恨少,现在天天需要用英语和客户面对面交流,强烈感觉英语词汇不够.想了想,自己需要掌握一些英语口语中常用的词汇.1、生活用品的单词;2、性格的句子;3、