
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:21:50

通过对固定架结构、表面质量、尺寸以及原材料分析确定了固定架的总体设计方案.注塑成型工艺分析确定了注塑机的型号为XS-ZY-125.结合固定架的结构特点采用平直分型面.分型面上分流道的布置形式为平衡式布置实现均衡送料和同时充满型腔.模具采用斜导柱侧向分型与抽芯来成型固定架的阶梯孔.计算模具型腔和型芯的尺寸.固定架的推出机构采用推杆推出机构同时采用导柱导套的合模导向机构.在软件应用方面,Auto CAD对固定架注塑模的整体结构进行设计和分析绘制出固定架零件图和模具整体装配图的二维图,清晰的表示了固定架注塑模的各部分的结构和装配关系.在模具辅助加工方面,UG制定了型腔加工工艺路线,确定了刀具、进刀量加工余量等模拟加工.

The general designing plan of the mounting bracket is determined after its structure,surface quality,dimension and raw materials have been analyzed.Model number XS-ZY-125 is decided to be the injection machine used after an analysis on the injection molding process.In view of the characteristics of the mounting bracket structure,flat mold joints are adopted,and arrangement layout of the runners on the molding joints is decided to be balanced layout so that balanced feeding and simultaneous mold cavity fill-up can be achieved.The stepped hole of the mounting bracket is shaped by adopting inclined guide pin undercut and side core and the measurements of the mold cavity and core are calculated.A pushing rod mechanism and a mold closing mechanism of guide pins and bushes are adopted for the push-out mechanism of the mounting bracket.
在软件应用方面,Auto CAD对固定架注塑模的整体结构进行设计和分析绘制出固定架零件图和模具整体装配图的二维图,清晰的表示了固定架注塑模的各部分的结构和装配关系.在模具辅助加工方面,UG制定了型腔加工工艺路线,确定了刀具、进刀量加工余量等模拟加工.
As regard to the application of software,a two-dimension spare-parts drawings for the mounting bracket and complete assembly drawings for the mold are drafted with Auto CAD after conducting design and analysis on the overall structure of the mounting bracket injection mold,so the structures and assembly relations of the various parts in the injection mold are clearly shown.In the aspect of mold auxiliary processing,simulation processing is formulated by UG such as the line of processing technique,confirmation on the cutter,the rate of feed,machining allowance,etc.
注:模具行业术语:分型面- mold joints (一般来说,模具都有两大部分组成:动模和定模,分型面是指两者在闭合状态时能接触的部分.)
分流道- runner (分流道 runner 在注射或传递模塑的多模腔或多浇口模具中,连接主流道末端和浇口之间的一段流道.)

  并不是所有的句子都适合用被动语态翻译,强行用被动语态来翻译反而不地道,显得特别奇怪。总之还是要使整篇语句流畅。以下是我自己的翻译:According to the structure of the holder, the quality of the surface and the analysis of the raw material, the general design plan of...


  并不是所有的句子都适合用被动语态翻译,强行用被动语态来翻译反而不地道,显得特别奇怪。总之还是要使整篇语句流畅。以下是我自己的翻译:According to the structure of the holder, the quality of the surface and the analysis of the raw material, the general design plan of the holder has been assured. Industrial analysis of injection moulding has determined the model number of the injection moulding machine is XS-ZY-125. Combined with the characteristics of the holder, flat parting surface is applied. The designed shape of the upper subchannel on the flat parting surface is balanced arrangement, realizes the balanced feed and the simultaneous fullness of thecavity. Side parting of the inclined guide pillar and core-pulling is used in the forming of the stepped bore of the holder mould. Calculating the size of the cavity and the core of the mould. The ejecting mechanisim of the holder uses push rod to eject mechanisim, and at the same time uses the joint steering mechanism of the column guide sleeve. At the part of software application, Auto CAD drew the parts drawing of the holder and the two-dimensional diagram of the whole assembly drawing of the moulds after the design and analysis of the whole structure of the injection mould of the holder, clearly showed the structure of every part of the nijection mould of the holder and the assembly relation. In the mould auxiliary processing aspect, UG has made the route of the cavity processing craft, determined the tool and the amount of feed in machining allowance of simulation processing.


英语翻译通过对固定架结构、表面质量、尺寸以及原材料分析确定了固定架的总体设计方案.注塑成型工艺分析确定了注塑机的型号为XS-ZY-125.结合固定架的结构特点采用平直分型面.分型面上 求英语翻译一段话摘 要 根据脚套实样,进行详细的分析,根据塑件的用途及性能要求,了解所用塑件的性能、名称、牌号,分析塑件的形状、结构、尺寸、尺寸精度、表面粗糙度等要求.对实样 英语翻译印刷品质量被定义为印刷品的外观特性接近理想效果的程度,它通常是纸张表面性能作用的结果,不只是有印刷工艺造成的.本文通过对通过对纸张表面性能进行定性的检测和分析,对纸 英语翻译查资料了解了表面曝气机的结构和作用原理:曝气机结构是电动机连接联轴器,联轴器与减速器联接,减速器连接叶轮转轴,转轴再与叶轮连接;通过电动机的转动,带动一系列结构的运 通过拉力计算确定零件尺寸如图所示一个零件,四个角固定在四根轴的轴肩上,中间悬挂一个重物,重物质量已定,用什么公式或者思路我可以计算出这个零件最省材料并且安全不变形的尺寸?寻 关于受力分析在光滑的倾角为的固定斜面上放一个劈形的物体A,其上表面水平,质量为M.物体B质量为m,B放在A的上面,先用手固定住A.(1)若A的上表面粗糙,放手后,求AB相对静止一起沿斜面下滑,B对 被测物体的表面尺寸对电涡流传感器的测量有什么样的影响? 请问铝表面阳极氧化处理会对工件尺寸和形状有多大影响? 如图所示,光滑水平面上有一质量M=4.0kg的平板车车的上表面右侧是一段长L=4.0m的水平轨道,水平轨道左侧是一半径R=0.25m的1/4光滑圆弧轨道,圆弧轨道与水平轨道在O'点相切,车右端固定一个尺寸 质量可忽略的轻杆,长为l,质量都为m的两质点分别固定于杆的中央和一端,此系统对通过另一端点垂直于杆...质量可忽略的轻杆,长为l,质量都为m的两质点分别固定于杆的中央和一端,此系统对通 塑钢窗尺寸怎么算?比如说塑钢60固定框,中挺尺寸怎么算的,中挺尺寸是不是固定框的长度减中挺大面的一半再减焊口五毫米,这样算对不? 英语翻译1.该支架表面处理采用的是喷粉工艺并且使用的是白色粉末,工艺(例如烘烤温度、时间)有点偏差就有可能会有偏差.故批次与批次之间会有色差2.透明罩固定扣 尺寸偏差,安装正常 英语翻译1 引言一般把单向送丝速度低于0.2m/s的电火花线切割加工方法称为慢走丝线切割加工.慢走丝线切割具有切割尺寸精度高、表面质量好的特点,能保证好的表面粗糙度、行位精度、基本 您好 ,请问6061铝合金表面阳极氧化(黑色)之后 对孔径的尺寸及外形的尺寸有多大的影响? 文言固定结构 分析外圆车削是.切削三要素对表面形状和尺寸形成所起的作用 英语翻译本次课程设计以苹果酒的外包装为研究对象,旨在设计出合理苹果酒包装纸盒.并主要通过查阅资料,市场调研,计算等方式对苹果酒外包装尺寸图像制版和印刷流程进行设计,最终使其 黄铜钝化影响质量吗?黄铜钝化处理后外观颜色是否会发生变化?而钝化处理后是否对产品的质量和尺寸发生变化,影响原来的使用效果?钝化后表面是否会出现其他物质或者残留钝化液?