
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:50:19


Due to logistics company just had the holiday off,so the management of the package was a little slow.However I already sent it out on delivery,you should be able to inquire about its logistic information in a few days time.

Due to the fact that the express company is just off vacation, the process for handling packages is a bit slow. But I've already had your package delivered from here, you should be able to check your package information in a few days.

The process of the delivery is a bit slow because it has also been on holiday for the delivery company. Nevertheless, I have already finished shipping the package, so you will be able to track the package in a few days.

Because the logistics company is just after the holiday, so the package processing is a bit slow. But I had already been shipped, a few days you can inquire about the logistics information

请问这句话用英语得怎么说?由于物流公司刚放完假,所以包裹的处理有点缓慢.不过我已经发货了,过几天您就能查询到物流信息. 物流公司人事部.用英语怎么说 请问各位大神这句话用英语得怎么说?我刚刚查了物流信息,包裹已经到达法国!估计过几天邮政员就会进行派送了. 物流公司的英语怎么说? 请问大家物流用英语怎么说? 物流用英语怎么说? 请问各位大神这句话用德语得怎么说?我会催促下物流商,看能不能加快递送的时间. 请问怎么用英语表达这句话?同时我会提供相应的物流追踪号码 物流操作 用英语怎么说 联想公司人事副总裁用英语怎么说联想公司人事副总裁这句话用英语怎么说 【急】“我们公司进口货代物流可以做的” 用英语怎么说 国际物流合营公司用英语怎么说?望强人指点,不要机翻~! 请问怎么用英语表达这句话?能否请您联系物流公司:Hermes的客服人员?询问下是什么情况..这个Hermes运单号:xxxx,也许能帮助到您. 请问这句话用英语得怎么说?请问您收到我的留言了吗? 请问怎么用西班牙语表达这句话?物流公司需要您的联系方式(手机号码或者是座机号码),您可以提供给我吗? 请问英文高手,平衡的刚刚好 的英语怎么说.请问英文高手,“平衡的刚刚好”这句话 的英语怎么说. 难道你还不懂我得心吗? 请问您这句话用英语怎么说! 请问这句话用英语得怎么说?一周的时间可能赶不上!