请问这句话中的wearing是现在分词吗?这里是什么用法?引导定语从句吗?One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:55:42

请问这句话中的wearing是现在分词吗?这里是什么用法?引导定语从句吗?One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.
One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.

请问这句话中的wearing是现在分词吗?这里是什么用法?引导定语从句吗?One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.

wearing是现在分词作firemen的后置定语。可以还原成一个定语从句:...firemen who/that wore breathing apparatus.

请问这句话中的wearing是现在分词吗?这里是什么用法?引导定语从句吗?One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus. 现在分词用法You will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.knowing who your real friends are 在句子中的语法成分是什么?是动名词还是现在分词,请问这句话怎么翻译合适呢。可能是现在分词短 remove before wearing. wearing是动名词还是分词? 请问现在进行时中的Ving是动名词,还是现在分词? flying cat 中的flying是现在分词吗? 为什么?谢谢 请问:这句话中的现在分词短语做状语吗?做什么状语?I shook my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay £5. 这句话开头为什么用现在分词 请问这句话中的现在分词是一个独立主格结构吗?这里做状语表目的?he said in March at a news conference introducing the idea.少了点东西,原句是这个样子的“It’s the simple solution,” he said in March at a news Do you know the boy____(戴)glasses under the tree.老师上课说填wearing,但是现在分词作定语和所修饰的名词是逻辑上的主谓关系啊,这句话很明显是戴眼镜,是动宾的关系,是不是应该是weared? There's no smoking allowed here,请问这里的allowed是过去式还是过去分词,我怎么看都觉得这句话应该是一般现在... she claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlight.这句话中的cutting是现在分词还是动名词?在句中做什么成分? Collecting stamps is really educational .这句话是现在分词短语作主语吗?请分析句子成分, Wore out,he soon fell asleep.我想问的是,如果主语一致的话,过去分词用于句首不是表被动吗?那这句话也不是被动吧?为什么用过去分词不用现在分词呢? 请问专家,英语中的分词是不是分为现在分词和过去分词,可以分别作定语和状语? 独立主格中的分词.请问什么时候独立主格用过去分词,什么时候用现在分词?如Today being Sunday,I'll go out.中为什么用现在分词? 求分析I spend a lot of time listening to music.这名中的listening是现在分词吗? lie的现在分词是啥?HELLO!请问lie的现在分词是什么?1 请问现在分词是什么,比如do的现在分词,最好是概念的,举例也可以