
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:27:00


judicial organ
[英][dʒu:ˈdiʃəl ˈɔ:ɡən][美][dʒuˈdɪʃəl ˈɔrɡən]


judicial judicial review judicial settlement是什么意思 judicial circuit 怎么翻成英文 please tell me something about American judicial system美国司法制度 What is the content of the relation between the judicial power and the administrative power the judicial,the executive的中文是什么?是美国联邦政府的两个组成 法律英语论文,题目是discussion on the protection of defendant in American judicial system 急 英语翻译The judicial power is reposed in the Supreme Judicial Court,which superintends the entire system of courts.Cities and towns also act through local governmental bodies that possess only the authority granted to them by the Commonwealth ove 英语翻译JUDICIAL REVIEW AND ADMINISTRTIVE LAWIn Chapter 6,judicial review was defined as the power of a court to review the actions of other governmental bodies in order to determine whether or not those actions are consistent with the Constituti 英语翻译Despite the problems associated with judicial review of administrative agencies,supporters of judicial review in administrative law argue in favor of it.First,supporters argue that public administrators are just as susceptible to abuse of 2这个句子有没有语法错误,请检查一下,Judicial review is a basic system that the nation through judicial procedure examines and rules whether legislative and administrative organs violate the constitution司法审查是国家通过司法 The President of the United States exercises the ___ power.A.legislative B.executive C.judicial D.veto 一句句子英翻中!Lawyers are known for filing absurd claims to harass,intimidate,or frustrate the judicial process.如题 The rich opress the masses by their control of the political and judicial system.分析byof 等的意思? Why was O.J.Simpson murder case called Trial of the Century?What kind of judicial phylosophy did it reflect? 英语翻译In Britain,the highest judicial appointments are made by the queen on the advice of the Prime Minister.appointments啥意思 英语翻译many lawsiuts turn on the meaning of a federal statue or regulation,and judicial interpretations of such meaning carry force under the principle of stare decisis.