1:I was______(dismay) to find so many obstacles to making a simple online transaction.回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..2:We would feel __________ (honor) if you can join us for the wonderful trip.回答:( )多个答案中间

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:08:58

1:I was______(dismay) to find so many obstacles to making a simple online transaction.回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..2:We would feel __________ (honor) if you can join us for the wonderful trip.回答:( )多个答案中间
1:I was______(dismay) to find so many obstacles to making a simple online transaction.
回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..
2:We would feel __________ (honor) if you can join us for the wonderful trip.
回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..
3:Abbreviations are sometimes very useful in ___________ (communicate) online.
回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..
4:The FLD site was well organized,easy to browse though,and had ______(reason) shipping charges.
回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..
5:Computers______(import) from abroad are usually more expensive.
回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..

1:I was______(dismay) to find so many obstacles to making a simple online transaction.回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..2:We would feel __________ (honor) if you can join us for the wonderful trip.回答:( )多个答案中间
1、dismayed 2、honored 3、communication
4、reason 5、imported

1:I was______(dismay) to find so many obstacles to making a simple online transaction.回答:( )多个答案中间加一个顿号(、) ..2:We would feel __________ (honor) if you can join us for the wonderful trip.回答:( )多个答案中间 The cat was______(die),when I found it. dismay单词 根据汉语意思在空格内填入适当的单词,使句子完整.1 我太激动以致不能停止鼓掌.I was______ excited______I couidn't______ ______my hands.2他以前常下象棋来放松自己.He ______ ______ ______ to______ ______ . i know very well what my family was_____i know very well what my family was______.A.about.B.before.C.against.D.like The math problem was so difficult that I couldn't work it out. (保持句意不变) The math problem was______ difficult for me ________ _________. The cat was______(die),when I _____it.A dying;found B dead;saw 正确答案是A 但B哪错了 To yuor suprise,this question is too easy for yuo to solve!We can say To one's suprise、To one's dismay,so can we say to one's (every nuon that reflects one's feeling)?And I am wondering could we say much to one's dismay?(probably not). Has never been forgotten because of dismay. dismay 和frustrate的区别dismay 和 frustrate 的区别的是什么啊? 英语的诗歌怎么朗读?我想读的是这首吴钧陶英译《清明》((韵式aaba) It drizzles thick and fast on the Pure Brightness Day, I travel with my heart lost in dismay. Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy? He points at I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was______ easy. A. nothing but B. something but C.anything but D. all but大家看看这题选什么?请详细解释下!谢谢! I love you once , perhaps that love has yet 谁会翻译啊I loved you once,Perhaps that love has yetto die down thoroughlywithin my soul,but let it not dismay youany longer,I have no wishto cause you any sorrow,I loved you wordlesslywithout a hope,b 英语翻译I loved you once ,perhaps that love has yet ,to die down thoroughly within my soul;but let it not dismay you any longer,I have no wish to cause you any sorrow.I loved you wordlessly,without a hope,by shyness tortured ,or by jealousy,I lov 有几个英语语法题目有点混,( A )If you don't go,neither ____.A.shall I B.do I C.I do D.I shall这个题目怎么会选A,有点不懂( B)Little wonder _____ up their hands in dismay.A.have some thrown B.some have thrownC.thrown some She was______(scare)when she suddenly saw the snake. The line of people outside Space Mountain was______(end) fascinating、dull、scary、exciting 该选哪个?I like the rides at Disneyland.They were very ______.I don't like the monsrer ride because it was______.The play was really _______.The story was boring.I thought the story was _____.I love the theat