How to make loaves of bread in the traditional way As we know,in most Chinese family ,it is the mother who prepares meals for the whole family,so does my mother.Especially,she is good at making loaves of bread in the traditional way.Now ,let me tell

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:18:08

How to make loaves of bread in the traditional way As we know,in most Chinese family ,it is the mother who prepares meals for the whole family,so does my mother.Especially,she is good at making loaves of bread in the traditional way.Now ,let me tell
How to make loaves of bread in the traditional way
As we know,in most Chinese family ,it is the mother who prepares meals for the whole family,so does my mother.Especially,she is good at making loaves of bread in the traditional way.Now ,let me tell you how she makes it .
First of all,she puts some water into flour and mixes them.Then,she kneads the flour into dough in a big towl.Afterwards,she sets the dough in front of the fire to "rise".Having been risen,the dough should be divided up into four parts.What she does next is to put the parts into bread tins.At this time,she will "prog" the top of the loaves in whatever patterns to make them more interesting with a kitchen fork.Then,she leaves them in front of the fire for a while longer.Finally,the loaves are put into the oven.Now the delicious bread is ready.It is very easy,right?
I believe that all of you can master how to make this kind of bread and I hope you can be perfect mothers in the future.

How to make loaves of bread in the traditional way As we know,in most Chinese family ,it is the mother who prepares meals for the whole family,so does my mother.Especially,she is good at making loaves of bread in the traditional way.Now ,let me tell
In most Chinese family, it is mother that prepares meals for the whole family,so is it in my family. She is especially good at making bread in the traditional way. Each time when I recall the making process, I can't help running at the mouth.(每次回想制作过程,都忍不住流口水.)(我把as we know去掉,原因是,如果你的读者是外国人的话,外国人是不一定知道的.it is sb that是强调句,不可以写成 it is sb who. 用自己的感受来引入制作过程比单纯和读者说“下面来说制作过程”会更自然而生动.)
First of all, she puts some water into flour and mixes them, kneading them evenly into dough in a big bowl,which is then placed in front of the fire to make it bulge(膨胀,或者用ferment发酵 ) before it is divided up into four smaller lumps. The second step is putting the lumps into moulds(模具) and making the top of the lumps into whatever patterns to make the appearance more interesting or attractive with a kitchen fork, then for the second time, she places the lumps in front of the fire for a while longer.The last step is actually the work for our lovely oven. After 30 minutes' waiting, the delicious bread is ready, with the whole house immersed in sweet smell. My brother and I like greedy little cats, can't help rushing towards the kitchen, that's why my mother always has a sense of achievement.(等待了30分钟之后,美味的面包就做好了.整个家都沉浸在香甜味中.我哥哥和我像小馋猫似的忍不住冲进厨房.这就是我妈妈为什么总是那么有成就感的原因了.) (这段我把很多简单句合并成复合句更复合外国的说话习惯.把一堆的主谓宾简单句然后用then堆砌起来显得很单调.)
I'm going to follow the making process above to make bread for my mother on the next Mothers' Day to give her a surprise. I'm sure I' ll be a good mother some day, just like my mother.(我打算在下次母亲节仿照我母亲的做法为母亲做一次面包以给她一个惊喜.我相信有一天我也会成为一个好母亲的,就如我母亲一样.)(不要为写过程而写过程.添加更多的情感,你会得更多分.)
希望以上对你有用啦 :o)

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