A and B of C 为拦截危岩崩塌落石和爆破飞石,在削方防护区进行了拦石坝的布置和设计,我的翻译是The layout and the design of rockfall barrier soil dam are processed in cutting slope division to intercept rockfall from ha

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:08:13

A and B of C 为拦截危岩崩塌落石和爆破飞石,在削方防护区进行了拦石坝的布置和设计,我的翻译是The layout and the design of rockfall barrier soil dam are processed in cutting slope division to intercept rockfall from ha
A and B of C
The layout and the design of rockfall barrier soil dam are processed in cutting slope division to intercept rockfall from hazard rock slope and explosive slungshots.
这样会不会歧义我想表达的是(The layout and the design)of rockfall barrier soil dam而不是 The layout and (the design of rockfall barrier soil dam),最终意思为拦石坝的(布置和设计).

A and B of C 为拦截危岩崩塌落石和爆破飞石,在削方防护区进行了拦石坝的布置和设计,我的翻译是The layout and the design of rockfall barrier soil dam are processed in cutting slope division to intercept rockfall from ha
The rockfall barrier soil dam in cutting slope division is set to intercept rockfall from hazard rock slope and explosive slungshots.

A and B of C 为拦截危岩崩塌落石和爆破飞石,在削方防护区进行了拦石坝的布置和设计,我的翻译是The layout and the design of rockfall barrier soil dam are processed in cutting slope division to intercept rockfall from ha going A.拦截 B.玩 C.追逐 是其中一个 我在这谢谢了. 英语翻译A and B of C呢? 有一艘轮船 进入我国海域 有甲乙两艘轮巡逻艇立即从相距13海里的a b两个基地去拦截6分钟后同时到达c地拦截已知甲巡逻艇每小时航行120海里 乙巡逻艇每小时航行50海里 航向为北偏西25度 问 2010niop普及组复赛导弹拦截 请高手帮我检测我这道题是否正确(程序有没错,时间有没超)var x1,x2,y1,y2,i,j,ans1,ans2,n:longint;a:array[1..100000,1..2] of integer;c:boolean;function min(a,b:longint):longint;beginif a>b t china is a member of ( ).A.APEC B.IOC C.WO D.A,B and C C of A and that of B.这里可以表达 A的C,和B的C么 None of the books _____I like.A.is B.do C.does D.B and C 勾股定理 练习25、如图9,在海上观察所A,我边防海警发现正北6km的B处有一可疑船只正在向东方向8km的C处行驶.我边防海警即刻派船前往C处拦截.若可疑船只的行驶速度为40km/h,则我边防海警船的 You'll tha and hostess______the meal and for their kindness.A,for B,of C,at 如图,角AOB=90度,OA=45m,OB=15m.一机器人在B点处见一球从A出发沿AO方向匀速滚向O,机器人立即从B出发.沿直线匀速前进拦截球,在C处截住球.若球滚速与机器人行速相等,机器人行走路程BC为多少? 如图,角AOB=90度,OA=45m,OB=15m.一机器人在B点处见一球从A出发沿AO方向匀速滚向O,机器人立即从B出发.沿直线匀速前进拦截球,在C处截住球.若球滚速与机器人行速相等,机器人行走路程BC为多少? A=B=D=TRUE,C=FALSE,以下表达式逻辑值为真的是( )A、A AND B AND C AND D B、A AND B OR C AND D C、A AND (B OR C) AND D D、(A OR B) AND (C AND D)B和C貌似都对诶,选哪个?and why? 如图,∠AOB=90度,OA=45cm,OB=15cm,一机器人在点B处看见一个小球从A出发沿着AO方向匀速滚向点O,机器人立即从点B出发,沿直线匀速前进拦截小球,恰好在点C处拦截住了小球,如果小球滚动的速度 如图,∠AOB=90°OA=45cm,OB=15cm,一机器人在点B处看见一个小球从点A出发沿着AO方向匀速滚向点O,机器人立即从点B出发,沿直线匀速前进拦截小球,恰好在点C处拦截住了小球,如果小球滚动的速度与机 she made a dress _____ newspaper .A out of B of C both A and B请说明原因呀 Plenty of fresh air and proper exercises _____________ good health.A) contribute to B) result from C) are contributed to D) are resulted from为什么是c呢 英语中的歧义问题C of A and B, 这里 C of 是针对 A 呢, 还是针对 A and B 呢?