caim down,be concerned about,not until,have got to每个造两个句子!额 我英语不咋地!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:18:50

caim down,be concerned about,not until,have got to每个造两个句子!额 我英语不咋地!
caim down,be concerned about,not until,have got to每个造两个句子!
额 我英语不咋地!

caim down,be concerned about,not until,have got to每个造两个句子!额 我英语不咋地!
He calmed down after a while.- 他过了一会就冷静了.
The storm calmed down after a day.- 暴风雨一天后就平息了.
He is concerned about his results.- 他关心他的成绩.
He is concerned about his sick sister.- 他关心他生病的妹妹.
He will not leave,not until he gets what he wants - 除非他拿到他要的东西.
He has no money,not until the next payday.- 他没钱了,直到下个发工资日.
He have got to go home.- 他必须回家.
He have got to go to school.- 他必须去学校.

1.Please calm down!(请冷静)
You should calm down.(你必须保持冷静)
2.I am concern about the sick boy.(我担心那个生病的男孩)

You never concerned about study.(他从不担心学习)
3.I have super not until 6.(...


1.Please calm down!(请冷静)
You should calm down.(你必须保持冷静)
2.I am concern about the sick boy.(我担心那个生病的男孩)

You never concerned about study.(他从不担心学习)
3.I have super not until 6.(6点之前我不吃晚饭)

You should study not until 7.(在七点之前,你应该学习)
4.I have got to do the homework.(我还要写作业)
You have got to clean the room.(你还要打扫房间)
