下面句子2个which分别指的是什么,The first step is use-case specification,which defines the target process in which a data model is used.帮我分析下面句子的语法以及句子中2个which分别代表什么,下次再遇到类似的句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:00:39

下面句子2个which分别指的是什么,The first step is use-case specification,which defines the target process in which a data model is used.帮我分析下面句子的语法以及句子中2个which分别代表什么,下次再遇到类似的句
The first step is use-case specification,
which defines the target process in which a data model is used.

下面句子2个which分别指的是什么,The first step is use-case specification,which defines the target process in which a data model is used.帮我分析下面句子的语法以及句子中2个which分别代表什么,下次再遇到类似的句
第一个which 是引导非限定性定语从句的,指代的是前面整个一句话The first step is use-case specification,翻译的时候用“这”来过渡
第二个in which 是引导的先行词是process 的定语从句

下面句子2个which分别指的是什么,The first step is use-case specification,which defines the target process in which a data model is used.帮我分析下面句子的语法以及句子中2个which分别代表什么,下次再遇到类似的句 请大家解释一下下面句子的句型结构,主谓宾分别是什么?看不懂,They argue that a name is just a name,to which people shouldn’t attach too much superstitious ideas. She said I was lazy,which isn’t true.which引导的定语从句,which指代前面的整个句子,定语从句的先行词是什么 下面这2个印章上分别是什么字? 复合句中的“who”,“which”,“that”分别都指的是什么? 用like,don't like ,likes,doesn't like分别造2个句子 on which by which to which from which的意思分别是什么? 下面的句子是什么描写 下面的植物分别是什么? i don't konw the reason for which he has late for school拆成2个句子. 谁能告诉我下面这个句子which引导的从句在哪啊?为什么which后面只有个动词不定式呢?The writer must have an abundance of information from which to construct a readable piece of writing. i don't know which one to choose.请造几个类似which ...to 的句子 下面两个英文句子哪个是对的?could you please tell me which is t下面两个英文句子哪个是对的?could you please tell me which is the way to the bank?could you please tell me which the way is to the bank?书上例句是第一个 定语从句分析:下面这个句子的of Life is a flower of which love is honey.形式上属于 名词+介词+which which指什么 为什么加of which做什么成分 你知道下面的4个汉字分别代表哪个数字吗,北京奥运乘0.9是什么 古文博学之下面的句子是什么 读下面的句子,看看是什么修辞 我心匪石下面的句子是什么?