英文中译英作业,请大家提提建议,50分Translate the following sentences into English.60年代的美国青年是反叛的一代American youths of the 60s are a rebellious generation.他们不再相信这个已经不属于自己的成人世

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:43:10

英文中译英作业,请大家提提建议,50分Translate the following sentences into English.60年代的美国青年是反叛的一代American youths of the 60s are a rebellious generation.他们不再相信这个已经不属于自己的成人世
Translate the following sentences into English.
American youths of the 60s are a rebellious generation.
They no longer trust the adult world which does not belong to them,refusing to accept its basic believes and values.
However,the most unlucky would be these whom their rebellion had succeeded,for they would found in agony and despair that the new institution is just as intolerable as the old one.
They see the world as pretty much of a mess,full of inequality,poverty and war.
Finding a way to deal with this society is the first decision young man must make.
It is an age of credulousness—partly because that there’s simply too many knowledge we need to acquire.
My second card is the shadow of earth itself.During a lunar eclipse,this shadow,when cast upon the moon,looks round.
In our careers we have learned that the doctrine we must follow is:”To do as little harm as possible.” And that surpasses the simple virtue of telling the truth for its own sake.
Patient began to question us for the truth.
Yet,even in a hospital where the right of the patient is attended to in a most thoughtful manner,the doctors,with their trust in the way of “kind deception”,followed their old traditional ways.
The quietness made me uneasy.As we walk into the opened backdoor,I saw many people standing in the yard.

英文中译英作业,请大家提提建议,50分Translate the following sentences into English.60年代的美国青年是反叛的一代American youths of the 60s are a rebellious generation.他们不再相信这个已经不属于自己的成人世
However,the most unlucky would be those whose rebellion had succeeded,for they would found in agony and despair that the new institution is just as intolerable as the old one.
It is an age of credulousness—partly because there’s simply too many knowledge we need to acquire.

1.建议改成:The 60s'American youths are a rebellious generation.
2.refusing 改成 and refuse
3.found 后面的in 改成 with
5.this society 改成 the society

第二句believes 改成beliefs
第三句these ---those , whom their --whose
4. as pretty much of a mess---as much of a mass
5.deal with ---cope with
6.too many --too much
8.In our careers we ...


第二句believes 改成beliefs
第三句these ---those , whom their --whose
4. as pretty much of a mess---as much of a mass
5.deal with ---cope with
6.too many --too much
8.In our careers we have learned that the doctrine we must follow is---traditionally,our profession must observe such doctrine:
10.the rights the doctors, with their trust in the way of “kind deception---- the doctors who believe in "knd deception"
traditional ways---traditional practice
11.quietness--silence opened--open I --we yard--backyard


英文中译英作业,请大家提提建议,50分Translate the following sentences into English.60年代的美国青年是反叛的一代American youths of the 60s are a rebellious generation.他们不再相信这个已经不属于自己的成人世 我现在21岁了去读书怎么样 ,会不会年纪太大呢!请大家提提建议. 雅思考试备考建议本人四、六级都是570多分,bec中级为B,想请教大家一下雅思大概要准备多长时间呢?平时每天白天都有课,周六日每课,请大家提提建议, 我们学校马上开运动会了,我是学校的小记者,想采访下校长.请大家提提建议! 化学成绩不好高中的,对化学反应有时候感到很迷茫,不知道怎么回事所以请大家提提建议 如何提高自己的分析能力?希望大家提提建议. 我高一,语文88数88英103物42化61历59地67政50从未及格,要分科啦,提提建议!且对物理感兴趣不爱背!要分科啦,大家提提建议!谢谢! 泸县四中和五中哪个好如果选它们其中一所,该选哪所.请大家为我提提建议 暑假日记内容该写些什么?我们要写20篇日记,每天都是在家做作业、看电视、上网,实在没什么好写的,请大家提提建议,看看有什么好写的内容,本人今年初二(不要抄袭啊, 听什么样的英语听力,能提高英语水平?最近一直在听英文广播和英文电影,可英文广播都听不懂 这样怎么能提高英文水平呢 求大家提提建议和心得,(我英语4级都没过) 我还有一周就要考雅思了 我该如何准备一下 大家提提建议 自学英语合适选购哪些书我想学英语可基础实在是太差了,语法我就是不会拼读它.昨天拿着书头都看痛了.实在是难.可我不会罢休的.请大家提提建议. 我应该如何提高英语口语?我现在初一,到了暑假了,我现在约了一个外国同学教我英语口语,但他不知道应该怎样教我,请大家提提意见!……建议!&是口语!不是语法~ 我想问问大家,养鱼赚钱吗?我家有2.5亩池塘,能养些什么鱼,密度怎么计算.一年能收多少斤鱼.利润如何·请老手们提提建议 北纬森三一口语通过率怎么样?朋友给我介绍,我也不太懂,大家给提提建议? 我想练 英语口语 买什么书好?新概念还是什么?我大2 ,从第一册买么?我就想跟着读课文,请大家提提意见,老不说英语现在都张不开口了T.T 我刚刚写了一篇文章《美丽中国,秀美江西》,请大家提提意见, 英语翻译请大家帮忙把这个句子翻译成英文啊,要准确的,符合语法的.因为这个作业要算学分,在线翻译了很多遍都不太通顺.