the first period is Maths 第一节课 first period is often maths 第一节课 为什么没有the定冠词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:42:22

the first period is Maths 第一节课 first period is often maths 第一节课 为什么没有the定冠词
the first period is Maths 第一节课 first period is often maths 第一节课 为什么没有the定冠词

the first period is Maths 第一节课 first period is often maths 第一节课 为什么没有the定冠词


前面是为了强调第一节课 所以用the

what lesson is after the first period? THE FIRST PERIOD.. the first period is Maths 第一节课 first period is often maths 第一节课 为什么没有the定冠词 英语翻译periods of negotiation the process of negotiation includes a series of time scales.The first time scale is a period during which the negotiation must prepara for the negotiation and effect the initial contact.The second period follows dur Today the day period is forever Tom is the first? the friendship is the period of validity是什意思 first missed period是什么意思啊 请问ratification During the ratification period,the first two major parties appeared.这个怎么理解? 英国文学题目 In the following descriptions of the Neoclassical Period,which is wrong?A.The Neoclassical Period is prior to the Romantic Period.B.Henry Fielding is one of the representatives of the Neoclassical period.C.The modern English novel 你第一节是什么课 英文怎么说 可以是what is you first period吗 The first is always the The first is red.first是什么词性? The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. you will serve a probation period of the first six months from your start date.翻译 在计算机发展阶段,哪个阶段是最长的时期 In a computer,which of the following is the longest period?A)Beat period B)Machine period C)Instruction period D)CPU period 1.The majority of the first European settlers to arrive in what is now Australia were of what nationality?When did they first arrive?How did they arrive?2.This first period of European colonization was based on what?3.Ireland is a member of what larg during the period 和over the period