请把这些英文句子的顺序排好(robert kennedy and his time)追加分50a)On January 4,1965,robert kennedy was sworn in as the junior senator frome New York.b)Not since 1803 had tow brothers--Dwight Foster of Massachusetts and Theodore Foste

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:29:56

请把这些英文句子的顺序排好(robert kennedy and his time)追加分50a)On January 4,1965,robert kennedy was sworn in as the junior senator frome New York.b)Not since 1803 had tow brothers--Dwight Foster of Massachusetts and Theodore Foste
请把这些英文句子的顺序排好(robert kennedy and his time)追加分50
a)On January 4,1965,robert kennedy was sworn in as the junior senator frome New York.
b)Not since 1803 had tow brothers--Dwight Foster of Massachusetts and Theodore Foster of Rhode Island-served together in the Senate.
c)Edward kennedy,leaning heabily on a cane,his smashed back enclosed in a steek brace,gaunt after months in the hospital,took the oath with him
d)Having ascertained the name of the state,he concluded:"I have absolutely no presidential ambitions,and neither does my wife -- Ethel Bird."
e)"First of all," said Robert Kennedy,when presented to the audience,"I want to say how delighted I am to be here representing the great state of ...ah...ah" -- a long wait while he made a show of searching through his notes.
from the book robert kennedy and his time .大概的顺序我已经知道..我只是not sure)
是 acbefd
看看谁是 最接近的咯~

请把这些英文句子的顺序排好(robert kennedy and his time)追加分50a)On January 4,1965,robert kennedy was sworn in as the junior senator frome New York.b)Not since 1803 had tow brothers--Dwight Foster of Massachusetts and Theodore Foste

请把这些英文句子的顺序排好(robert kennedy and his time)追加分50a)On January 4,1965,robert kennedy was sworn in as the junior senator frome New York.b)Not since 1803 had tow brothers--Dwight Foster of Massachusetts and Theodore Foste 奥运会项目英文请按顺序把这些项目的中英文写下来,注意按顺序,1L你说得我也知道,就是好几个不太懂是什么。 把句子排好的给好评 我国的四大高原请一起把顺序排好 例: 第一大高原:第二大高原:... nahtk这几个字母已经被打乱,请帮帮忙把它们顺序排好,变成一个完整的单词. 把下列词语按顺序排好 请速把“爱的教育”的好的句子和这些句子的解析告诉我 英语翻译山东省滨州市滨城区渤海七路604号21栋楼4单元102室一定不要出错,准确些请把地址按照英文信件的格式顺序排好, 交通工具、汽车、工具、公共汽车,把这些词语排顺序. 电器、彩电、家用电器、电视机,把这些词语排顺序, 把下列排列错乱的句子按顺序重新排列.(  )一天,生物研究所打电话给张成才爷爷,请他去一下.(  )张成才爷爷知道了以后说:“这些毛病‘百音盒’全能治好.”(  )果然,不多 给句子排顺序 请帮我把这些词语排排序一本正经,怒发冲冠,喜笑颜开,怒形于色,大发雷霆,帮我按一定的顺序排,并说明理由(要简短)大家发发慈悲, 关于奴隶社会和封建社会的朝代请把奴隶社会和封建社会的朝代按时间顺序排好,并分别写出5和10件大 三十六计中,每一计都讲的是什么故事请按顺序排好 put please your away books after class 把正确的排好顺序 your over is look umberlle there 把顺序排好 美国的农业:请把 区域化 专业化 机械化 排起来按顺序