英语 会几个答几个,1 我觉得大城市里的人会越来越多.I think _____ _____ _____ more and more people in big cities .2 刘芳会回来参加这个会议吗?_____ Liu fang _____ _____ to take partin this meeting?3对这里的许多人

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:37:34

英语 会几个答几个,1 我觉得大城市里的人会越来越多.I think _____ _____ _____ more and more people in big cities .2 刘芳会回来参加这个会议吗?_____ Liu fang _____ _____ to take partin this meeting?3对这里的许多人
英语 会几个答几个,
1 我觉得大城市里的人会越来越多.
I think _____ _____ _____ more and more people in big cities .
2 刘芳会回来参加这个会议吗?
_____ Liu fang _____ _____ to take partin this meeting?
For many people here ,sports are not just ______ ______ .
Some people ______ ______ the house price will be higher and higher .
_______ will take many years ______ ______ such a mobile phone .
________ _________ ________ you have to stay at home today .
7 Ann's grandmother is looking for her glasses e______ now .

英语 会几个答几个,1 我觉得大城市里的人会越来越多.I think _____ _____ _____ more and more people in big cities .2 刘芳会回来参加这个会议吗?_____ Liu fang _____ _____ to take partin this meeting?3对这里的许多人
1、I think there will be more and more people in big cities
2、Will Liu Fang come back to take part in this meeting
3、For many people here ,sports are not just for fun
4、some people predict that )house prices will be higher and higher
5、It will take many years to produce such a mobile phone
6、It seems that you have to stay at home today.
7、Ann's grandmother is looking for her glasses everywhere now

1 there will be
2 Will come back
3 for fun
4 predicted that
5 It to creat
6 It seems that
7 carefully

1I think the city will be more and more people.
2Liu Fang would come back to attend the meeting?
3For many people here, sports are not just for fun.
4Some people predicted that prices will...


1I think the city will be more and more people.
2Liu Fang would come back to attend the meeting?
3For many people here, sports are not just for fun.
4Some people predicted that prices will be more and more high.
5To make such a mobile phone needs to spend many years.
6It seems that you have to stay at home today.


1、there will be
2、Will come back
3、for fun
4、 predict that
5、It to produce
6、It seems that

英语 会几个答几个,1 我觉得大城市里的人会越来越多.I think _____ _____ _____ more and more people in big cities .2 刘芳会回来参加这个会议吗?_____ Liu fang _____ _____ to take partin this meeting?3对这里的许多人 为什么我喜欢非常繁华的大城市我最近很想到繁华的大城市里去 新东方迈格森国际英语是不是就设立在大城市里,一些小的城市有吗? 大城市里的人通常乘坐公交车上班 英文翻译 山市里的几个一字咋解释 大城市里为什么看不到星星.. 会几个,答几个 英语,会几个写几个 我还受到了不少启发:大城市里坐公共汽车的人太多,就制造______的公共汽车. 超市里玩具是打几个点的? 为什么大城市里看不到星星和月亮? 英语,几个单词填空会的解答 阴霾是怎么形成的?主要构成的物质是什么?我在乡村老家没见过这种天气.为什么一般会发生在大城市里?与污染有关吗?如果与污染有关为什么气象台会还说空气质量状况是良呢? 现在全国小学都在学英语吗?这里是上海 我想问下现在小学的英语是从几年级开始学的啊..这个英语是必须的课程吗?我知道现在大部分大城市里的小学都是有英语课的..但是不知道是从几年纪 自学英语有哪些正确的方法我是一个没什么英语基础的人,现在发现不会英语真的很难在这大城市里生存,想自己空闲的时候学学应用,怎样的方法正确 最近天上有一颗很亮的星星是什么?好像有月亮的五分之一的亮度吧~好像是在东边(我方向感很差,无视我)我住在大城市里的,这样的星星很少见了~ “会有几个知道我的生日呢?我的姐妹们.”用英语怎么说啊. 国家领导人几个会讲英语