麻烦高手来帮下忙~~很简单 好的话有加分~~1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的.(it is+adj)2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落.(go through)3.她拒绝回答有关她个人收入的问题.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 14:30:47

麻烦高手来帮下忙~~很简单 好的话有加分~~1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的.(it is+adj)2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落.(go through)3.她拒绝回答有关她个人收入的问题.
麻烦高手来帮下忙~~很简单 好的话有加分~~
1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的.(it is+adj)
2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落.(go through)
5.你可以把收音机的音量调高些吗?(turn up)

麻烦高手来帮下忙~~很简单 好的话有加分~~1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的.(it is+adj)2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落.(go through)3.她拒绝回答有关她个人收入的问题.
1) It's hard to persuade him to get rid of his perennial habits.
2) Everyone has to go through success and failure in his life.
3) She refuses to answer the question about her income.
4) He describes himself as a scholar.
5) Could you please turn up the radio?

It is not easy to persuade someone to give up its habit which has been formed since a long time ago.
Everyone has to go though ups and downs ...


It is not easy to persuade someone to give up its habit which has been formed since a long time ago.
Everyone has to go though ups and downs in its life
She refused to describe her personal income as a problem
He describes himself as a scholar
5.你可以把收音机的音量调高些吗?(turn up)
Coule you turn up the radio


1. it is very hard to convince some one to get rid of his long term habits.
2. every one has to experience the rise and fall of life.
3. she refuses to describe her private income as a problem
4. he describes himself as a scholar
5. can you turn up the volume of radio?

1) It's hard to persuade him to get rid of his perennial habits.
2) Everyone has to go through success and failure in his life.
3) She refuses to answer the question about her income.
4) He describes himself as a scholar.
5) Could you please turn up the radio?

1.It's hard to persuade someone to change the habits that are developed for long time.
2.Everyone has to go though the rise and fall of life.
3.She refused to reply the questions about her inc...


1.It's hard to persuade someone to change the habits that are developed for long time.
2.Everyone has to go though the rise and fall of life.
3.She refused to reply the questions about her income.
4.He describes himself as a scholar.
5.Could you turn up the radio?


麻烦高手来帮下忙~~很简单 好的话有加分~~1.说服一个人改掉长期养成的习惯是很不容易的.(it is+adj)2.每个人都不得不经历人生的潮起潮落.(go through)3.她拒绝回答有关她个人收入的问题. in case 和even if区别如题 好的话有加分- 麻烦....那么简单的话和不问有什么区别喔 很急的问题啊,吉林省第二实验中学的英文介绍!各位同学、英语高手,马上就要用这个英文介绍了.要最简单的啊,最好有关于潜能教育的.谢谢啊,好的话加分!越快越好啊! 口袋怪兽 绿宝石 有没有化石翼龙?有的话在哪抓?是否需要化石?那位高手告诉我?、?好的话加分. 好的话可以加分! 氧化还原反应的规律该怎么记啊!有没有高手用什么口诀记忆谐音记忆之类的升失氧降得还之外好的话有加分 六年级语文补充习题《学与问》答案各位好心人,呜呜呜——帮帮忙吧,很简单的.急呀——麻烦全一点,可以吗?好的一定有加分. 西游记经典段落摘抄 1600字左右好的话有加分 英语翻译这句话的翻译,好的话有加分 要全啊.不用举例,要简洁.好的话有加分. 紫微星盘怎么看可以麻烦高人来个详细解说吗,好的话加分! 麻烦把每道题都详细的写下来,好的话加分100! 用英语介绍一下深圳``有急用,写得好的话,我会加分的`嘻~不好意思,麻烦你们顺便翻译一下``` (1)证明sinx+cosx的绝对值小于等于根号2,(2)求函数y=sinxcosx/1+sinx+cosx的值域答案好的话,我会加分的,麻烦高手们快一点啊 求3人简单英语对话,我是初二的.着急!好的话我会加分的 我们学到了溶液就这以前的 一个一个对应 不要太简单了 别全是选择填空 要些简答题 好的话会有加分哦 特斯拉线圈 制作方法制作的材料 方法 最好有图或视频越简单越好 因为是自己做 所以造价不能太高好的话加分 简单介绍一下母本自交,有父本自交的话也介绍下百度找不到的,好的就得多加分!