say 是什么意思阿?

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say 是什么意思阿?
say 是什么意思阿?

say 是什么意思阿?
say英音:[sei]美音:[se] 词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.说,讲[+(that)] The doctor said she would be all right in a few days. 医生说她过几天就会好的. How do you say this in English? 这在英语中怎么说? 2.讲述;说明[+(that)][+wh-] 3.表明,指明 4.假定,假设[+(that)] Let's say you miss the train, what do you plan to do? 假定你赶不上火车,你准备怎么办? 5.(常用作插入语)比如说,例如;估计;约摸 You may learn to play the violin in, say, three years. 你可以,比如说,在三年内学会拉小提琴. 6.(人们)认为,声称[H][+(that)][O2] It is said that there has been a serious earthquake there. 据说那里发生了一次大地震. 7.【口】揭示;吩咐[W][+to-v] Mom said to tell you you should take three pills after dinner. 妈关照饭后你得吃三片药片. 不及物动词 vi. 1.说,讲;发表意见 It's not for me to say. 这不应由我发表意见. 名词n. 1.发言权[S][(+in)] I don't think he has much say in this matter. 我想他在此事上不大有发言权. 2.要说的话,意见[S] I've had my say. 我要讲的都讲了. 3.决定权[the S] 感叹词 int. 1.喂,哎呀网络释义say 1.说既然想了就该 看看强人写的英语 特价王网上购物论坛 :卓... 说既然想了就该say. http://bbs.tejiawang . 2.说,显示,假定 计算机专业英语1500词--kinghy的... 471. say v. 说,显示,假定 http://kinghy.bokee.c ... 3.说;说明;比如说 单词歼灭战“动员令” - 右脑记忆方法 -... say vt.说;说明;比如说

say =说

音标: /seI/ 译文: v. 说,讲 例句: 1. It's hard to say who it was. 很难说那是谁。 2. We are considering giving them greater say in such matters. 我们正考虑在这样的事情上给他们更多的发言权。