
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:21:48


Gossip Girl.绯闻少女(花边教主/八卦天后)Chuck Bass是这部美剧中的男主角之一~比较喜欢玩阴的,各种各样的坏事他都掺合过.这句话他讲过好几次,我印象最深的时候是Sarina准备告诉他们她错杀了一个人(后来看剧情只是没有去救,并不是杀了)的时候,她的朋友为了让她没有负罪感,没人说了自己的一件恶心事儿.Chuck想了半天,来了句“I'm Chuck Bass”,意思就是“我可是Chuck Bass啊,什么事儿我没做过~”其他几次情况大概也都是这个意思,基本就是说出这句话来提醒人家自己


Chunk CHUNK是什么意思 chunk light tuna in take the chunk off the block at one time AVI Chunk Viewer这是什么?在播放影音文件时出现... Sorry,this chunk does not support binary dumping是什么意思手机美化的时候出现的 a healthy chunk 还有怎么使用,用在什么情况,可以请高手举例下吗 Premium White Chunk Chicken Breast in Water是 这句是西餐菜谱里的一句 关于Chunk!No,Captain Chunk!milf这歌大家听过Chunk!No,Captain Chunk!这乐队“milf”这歌吗?感觉下这首歌曲的节奏是不是有点遗憾,本来很HIGH的一首歌,怎么高潮部分只唱一次,大家有这首歌曲的改版吗?至 解释下面几个词的相同点和不同点,并举例说明.特别是collocation和lexical chunk有什么区别呢Define the terms collocation,lexical chunk,idiom and metaphor,explaining similarities and differences. Explain the excerpt from Gossip GirlWhat is the actual meaning of Chunk said that piece of advice,lose the tulip? with a bar of lvory soap in your hand .you are holding a chunk of american history .请问是什么意思呢?急用. 英语翻译-关于房地产的Tom and other builders are offering steep discounts and incentives to buyers and good-sized chunk of cash to real-estate agents in an effort to get a stalled market moving. 这句中的practice是什么意思?They blame China's exchange rate practices for a big chunk of the US trade deficit with China,which totaled $143.7 billion in first eight months of 2009 12道英语单选题(有一定难度)Part11、The bus service is very good.there is a bus ____10 minutes 1)all,2)whole,3)every,4)few,5)each.2、Could I have a ____of ice cream?1)chunk,2)spatula,3)widget,4)piece,5)scoop.3、I have been studying __