选择一个意思相同的,替代括号里的词:A:Many,B:Lots of,C:some,D:Few( Not all ) teachers agree that spending too much time on the Internet is good for students.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:07:07

选择一个意思相同的,替代括号里的词:A:Many,B:Lots of,C:some,D:Few( Not all ) teachers agree that spending too much time on the Internet is good for students.
选择一个意思相同的,替代括号里的词:A:Many,B:Lots of,C:some,D:Few
( Not all ) teachers agree that spending too much time on the Internet is good for students.

选择一个意思相同的,替代括号里的词:A:Many,B:Lots of,C:some,D:Few( Not all ) teachers agree that spending too much time on the Internet is good for students.
not all:不是所有的(老师)

not all的意思是不是所有的,那就是有一些,many代表很多,lots也是很多,但是一般是lots of,而few是否定的。

选c。not all 并非所有的意思。是一个不完全否定。并非所有的老师,也就是有一部分老师不同意。few翻译成几乎没有,具有否定意义。不通。

not all偏中性

选择一个意思相同的,替代括号里的词:A:Many,B:Lots of,C:some,D:Few( Not all ) teachers agree that spending too much time on the Internet is good for students. 读下面成语,想想意思,选择序号在括号里A.没有相同 B.两个相同 C.三个相同 D.全部相同(1)左顾右盼 顾全大局 奋不顾身 瞻前顾后 “顾”字的意思()(2)举不胜举 举例说明 举世闻名 举国 选择正确的意思,将序号填在括号里 4.选择与下列成语中加点字的意思相同的词语或成语,把字序号填在前面的括号里.⑴(  )眼花缭乱 A、老眼昏花 B、花言巧语 C、走马观花 D、花枝招展⑶(  )丰功伟绩 A、丰 括号里填一个词设备的年纪.这样表达不够( )换个词替代年纪是指设备迄今为止,用了多少年了,不是使用寿命. 无法替代的意思 无法替代的意思 选择合适的成语填在括号里 娓娓动听 引人入胜 田老师将小诗编成()的故事.括号里选择一个词 选择恰当的动词来替代括号里的词或词组1.He (owns)a new house.2.He (possesses)a lot of money.3.(took) a bath before dinner.4.(Take) a biscuit.5.(Will you let me) use your telephone please?6.(Perhaps the play will) begin at any moment.7 几道初中英语题~SOS!急...!有高分!选择恰当的动词来替代括号里的词或词组,必要时作改动:1.He(owns)a new house.2.He(prossesses)a lot of money.3.I(took)a bath before dinner.4.(Take)a biscuit.5.(Will you let me)use your tele 选择加点字的正确意思把序号写在括号里 成:A完成;成功 B成为 C成果;成就是 D达到一个单选择加点字的正确意思把序号写在括号里成:A完成;成功 B成为 C成果;成就是 D达到一个单位成千上万 把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The girl answered the questions in a (faint) voice.把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The girl answered the questions in a (faint) voice.A.loud B.not strong C.sharp D.cry Mary ( ) a brother and a sister.(括号里填什么)是在have,one.中选择一个的 把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The car (sped) dangerously down road.把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The car (sped) dangerously down road.A.moved quickly B.run quickly C.opened D.got off 把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The mother was very (impatient) with her child.把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The mother was very (impatient) with her child.A.happy B.careful C.angry D.polite 把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The doctor (turned off) the lights and went out of the room.把括号里的单词换成另外一个意思相同的:The doctor (turned off) the lights and went out of the room.A.looked over B.swit 选择适当的词在括号里:穿戴()准 Thanks very much.That's (all eight)找出一个能替代括号部分的选项.A rightB OKC good