
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 09:28:49


Mary has been ill for three days.I have lived here since 1998.I have never heard Bunny say anything against her.I have used this pen only three times.It is still good.George has met that gentleman on several occasions.He has already obtained a scholarship.I haven't seen much of him recently (lately).We have seen that film before.Have they found the missing child yet Peter has written six papers so far.Man has now learned to release energy from the nucleus of the atom.There has been too much rain in San Francisco this year.The friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries have been enhanced in the past few years.Up to the present everything has been successful.I have washed the car.我洗过了车.(看上去很漂亮) I washed the car a moment ago.我刚才洗过车了.She has watered the flowers.她已经浇了花.(不需要再浇了) She watered the flowers yesterday.她昨天浇的花.I have written the letter but I haven't posted it yet.信我已经写好了,但还没有寄出.I wrote the letter last week and I posted it three days ago.我上周写的那封信,3天前寄出的.

完成时=主语+has或have+done的句子10个 现在完成时的句型是什么我有点儿不会,是不是主语加have或has再加done呢? 现在完成时主动形式什么时候用has done什么时候用have done是不是主语是第一人称,第二人称用have done 第三人称用has done have/has been+done 是什么时? 现在完成时!着急用until,up till的句子,主语+has、have+done的格式! have done 现在完成时 和 过去时有什麼区别啊 顺便说下have/has been doing 现在完成进行时语言简短易懂的最好了~ 谢谢、 情态动词加上完成时的意思?could not have done must not have done should not have done would not have done 以及它们的用法? 现在完成进行时的句型是 主语+助动词have/has+been+doing,若没有动词,则为例:Lana has been a nurse since 2009. be going to have done 是将来完成时吗? shoud have done sth是完成时的结构吗? 在完成时的谓语是不是只能是have或has Has all that can be done been done?为什么用HAS 不用 HAVE PEOPLE也是整体,动词用复数先换成陈述句=all that can be done has been done主语=all 定语=that can be done谓语=has been done(被动)转换成简单的主句 谁教教我英语现在完成是主语+have has+过去分词 主语+have(has)+过去分词(done) 和主语+have+动词doing 我搞不太清楚现在完成时.我们学的是主语+have+动词doing 可是为什么很多地方说的是主语+have(has)+过去分词(done) 有什么区别啊?而且什么用于过 现在完成进行时不是由“助动词have(has) + been+动词的现在分词”构成的吗 那having done是什么啊 现在完成时改被动语态什么时候用has或have been done sb have/has done have/has not done have/has sb done What have/has sb done?done指什么能用物体名称吗比如apple等 should have done中的have done 是什么?这里的have done 是什么?是不定式的完成时吗?如果是的或,那to哪里去了?我的印度英语老师在给解释的时候曾经说should 后面的have done 是infinitive perfect .我也记得