请分别列举带有away way out of的英语词组,要求有对应中文 如far away——遥远的,越多越好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:43:29

请分别列举带有away way out of的英语词组,要求有对应中文 如far away——遥远的,越多越好
请分别列举带有away way out of的英语词组,要求有对应中文 如far away——遥远的,越多越好

请分别列举带有away way out of的英语词组,要求有对应中文 如far away——遥远的,越多越好
back away 逐渐后退 blow away 吹走,刮走,强烈...
away with 去掉,走开,滚开 far and away adv.远远地,大...
away from the point adj.离题(不中肯,...blaze away vt.连续射击,使...
bear away 夺取,拿走 argue away 找理由把 ...搪塞过去
while away the time 消磨时光 ; 消闲 blow the cobwebs ...vi.出外透透空气
home n.家,家庭,收容所...fire away 继续开枪,开始(讲话或...
break away 消散,拆毁,脱开...tear away (使)勉强离去
carry away 带走,冲走,搬走...give away vi.赠送,送出,背...
run away v.逃跑,失去控制 fade away 逐渐消失,褪色
keep away v.不接近,避开,戒 tick away (时间一分一秒地)过去
give way 撤退,让路,屈服...under way 在进行中
out of the way 不寻常地,已解决地,...in a way 在某种程度上,从某一...
by way of 经过,用 ...方法 every which way 四面八方,到处
way out 出路,摆脱困境的办法 look the other way v.故意朝另一边看
way of life 生活方式 on the way out adv.即将灭亡
by way of parenth...adv.附带地 by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下
go the way of all...v.死 each way adj.得胜的,(赛...
Milky Way 银河,银河系 ; =...ways and means n.方法(筹款委员会)
in more ways than...从几方面来看 pay one's way v.支付生活费,勉强维持
the way of the world n.世道常情 way station n.小站
out of character (与自身特性)不相符 out of breath 上气不接下气
put someone's nos...(取代某人而成为焦点所在...frighten someone ...吓得某人惊惶失措
out of all compar...adv.无与伦比(无可...out of action 不(再)起作用,不(再)运转
out of accord with 与 ...不一致 out of circulation 不在社会上或事业上活跃;...
out of one's head 神经错乱 make a mountain o...v.小题大作
eat out of someon...完全顺从某人,完全受某人...knock the stuffin...挫伤某人的傲气
out of all recogn...因面目全非而无法辨认 out of all reason adj.无理的
come out of one's...v.不再冷淡,开始...the bottom drops ...出现垮台、暴跌局面
talk out of 说服(某人)放弃 do someone out of 向某人骗取
feel out of things 感到格格不入 ; 感到没...frighten someone ...吓得某人惊慌失措
out and about adj.能外出走动 out of prep.离…一段距离,...
out of it 未被邀请 ; 在局外; ...out for 力图要
out in the cold 被忽视 ; 遭排斥 out and out 完全的,彻底的,...
out and away adv.无比地,最,...hold out 伸出,坚持
way out 出路,摆脱困境的办法 cut out 切断,删除,停止...
fade out 淡出,渐弱 put someone's nos...(取代某人而成为焦点所在...
frighten someone ...吓得某人惊惶失措 hand out vt.分发,散发,...
wipe out v.消灭,彻底摧毁...throw out 扔出,抛出(次品),...
turn out v.结果是,生产,出...clear out 清除,赶走,离开
roll out 铺开,辗平,转出 help out 帮助解决难题,救出
massacre of the i...撤销某些议案的决议 with a pinch of salt adv.有保留地
a dose of one's o...自己惹来的恶果,自己曾加...of age 成年,达到法定年龄
put someone's nos...(取代某人而成为焦点所在...frighten someone ...吓得某人惊惶失措
six of one and ha...半斤八两,差不多 think better of 改变主意,对 .
show a clean pair...vi.逃走(溜之大吉) birds of a feather 同类型的人,志趣相同的人
call of nature 内急 think much of vi.重视,赞扬,...
think nothing of vt.不把 ...放...with a grain of salt adv.有保留地,...
stay clear of 避开 ...; 不与 ...ahead of 在 ...前面,先...
of all people 所有人,在所有人中 apropos of adj.关于(至于,...
of a kind 同类的,徒有其名的 all of 足足,全部都是

get away滚蛋
so far到目前为止
this way这边请
out of work失灵
push out eather推阻
on the way路上

get out 出去