请问这句话说,什么从句怎么翻译you are to go to the hotel where the rooms have already been looked for you translation

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:35:29

请问这句话说,什么从句怎么翻译you are to go to the hotel where the rooms have already been looked for you translation
you are to go to the hotel where the rooms have already been looked for you


请问这句话说,什么从句怎么翻译you are to go to the hotel where the rooms have already been looked for you translation
不是looked for you,应该是booked for you
where引导定语从句,相当于:in which

从句 where the rooms have already been looked for your translation,作定语修饰hotel。




请问这句话说,什么从句怎么翻译you are to go to the hotel where the rooms have already been looked for you translation 吃的苦中苦,请问这句话说明了什么道理? How good you look!请问这句句子怎么翻译? can you think what his job is 中间有一个what his job is ,请问这属于什么句.宾语从句?然后整体这个句子怎么分析成分 一叶障目,不见泰山.这句话说明了什么? 名师出高徒这句话说明了什么 “海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”这句话说明了什么? “千里之行,始于足下”这句话说明了什么? 春去秋来,花开花落请问这句话说里蕴藏了什么爱情含义? 请问:“so you are.这句怎么翻译,谢谢a: so you are going to give us a ride to the game tonight?b: if my car's running OK.请问这句对话怎么翻译?b所说的又代表什么意思?谢谢 a happy land for you 这句英文怎么翻译 请问怎么把这句句子改为定语从句His sister is called Mary.You admired her singing. 英语翻译“Wish you happy every day.”这句话说得对吗?有没差了点什么?还有“英语不是那么简单表达的”这句话英文怎么表达呢? What do you think of game shows?这句话说了些什么,如果就围绕这句话讲课,该怎么讲? What time of year do you think this picture was taken?请问这句语法该怎么分析?What ,time,of ,year,分别都做什么成分呢?do助词 you主语 think谓语 this picture was taken宾语从句, you will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket请问这是从句吗?如果是的话,那是什么从句? 英语语法:you will be curious what a poor guy i am. 请问 what引导的从句是什么从句 作句子的什么c成分You'd be shocked what a governmentemployee pays these days.这是文章原句 和我给的例句结构是一样的吗?这句 The man who I served was wearing a hat.这是一个定语从句,请问定语从句有什么句序公式吗?如:词组/pron/名词+先行词(which/that /who/whom.)+从句?从句有什么句序吗?