英语翻译我写的英语那是我要回答的问题,表不标准的 我的回答要准确的 如果有不对的地方麻烦哥哥姐姐们帮我修改一下 可以瞎编的 因为那不重要 重要的是我回答准确的问题就可以了 我很

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:49:31

英语翻译我写的英语那是我要回答的问题,表不标准的 我的回答要准确的 如果有不对的地方麻烦哥哥姐姐们帮我修改一下 可以瞎编的 因为那不重要 重要的是我回答准确的问题就可以了 我很
我写的英语那是我要回答的问题,表不标准的 我的回答要准确的 如果有不对的地方麻烦哥哥姐姐们帮我修改一下 可以瞎编的 因为那不重要 重要的是我回答准确的问题就可以了 我很认真 这对我真的很重要 我很紧急呢 以为明天下午就该交了 问题是有点多 但是请哥哥姐姐们用心点 求你们了.
1-Do you read the newspaper every day?
What is your favourite section?
1- 偶尔会阅读报纸,但我不会买报纸,我觉得不值得,因为报纸的大部分都是一些社会新闻跟当天发生的事情,我觉得现在的年轻人都不会去买报纸看 我觉得报纸更适合大人看来了解当今社会 年轻人会比较对明星,八卦跟时尚感兴趣 报纸报道这些的东西太少了 所以年轻人们会专门买这样的书 我只喜欢买杂志看,因为我觉得报纸没有很多我感兴趣的地方,相比报纸我更喜欢收藏杂志因为我觉得杂志拍摄的画面都很美,一般我阅读报纸的时间只是有时候在下课的时候去学校的图书馆,在地铁里看免费发的metro报纸或者别人在地铁看完不要的我拿来看下 只是为了打发时间.
我最喜欢阅读的部分是关于教育,这里面包括学院信息,留学机会,奖学金 还有八卦的部分.
2- What are your favourite programmes on TV?
2- 我通常都是看中国的电视节目,我最喜欢的是综艺节目还有电视剧,我最喜欢的电视剧有Princess Pearl,是中国非常红的一步电视剧,是一个经典,还有Misty rain,是Princess Pearl里面的演员演得也是非常好看的 我觉得里面的歌曲非常好听,我最近在看的是Journey to the West,剧里演得是一个很有趣的猴子跟师傅西天取经,这些电视节目都是在网上看的,因为我家没有中国卫视,不过我很喜欢的两个中国卫视 是湖南卫视还有江苏卫视,这两个电视台比较适合年轻人看,里面出现的偶像比较多.
3- How long do you watch TV everyday?
3-通常只要我放学以后回家做的第一件事情就是打开电脑,然后找一些我喜欢看的节目,如果下午有课的话一般我每天看7个小时的电视,如果下午没有课的话我会连续看10个小时,我承认我是一个电视迷,但是最近没有发现很好看的电视所以我只看两集的西游记,因为每天只更新两集,两集只需要3个小时看完,我下午没有课的时候是下午13.15放学我每天晚上12睡觉,所以没有我喜欢的节目的时候我会在电脑上做一些别的事情 比如玩游戏,听歌,跟朋友在网上聊天.

英语翻译我写的英语那是我要回答的问题,表不标准的 我的回答要准确的 如果有不对的地方麻烦哥哥姐姐们帮我修改一下 可以瞎编的 因为那不重要 重要的是我回答准确的问题就可以了 我很
1- 你每天看报纸吗?
Occasionally reading newspapers, but I won't buy the newspaper, I feel is not worth, because most of the newspaper is some social news on the day with what happened, I think now young people won't go to buy the newspaper I think the newspaper more suitable for adult looks like today's young people can understand social compared to the star, gossip with fashion interested in the newspaper reported these little things so young people will buy this book I special only like to buy magazines look, because I think that the newspaper I don't have a lot of interest in place, I like to collect more than newspaper magazine because I think that the magazine photograph picture are very beautiful, I generally reading newspaper time only
sometimes after class to go to the school library, in the subway and watch the hair of the metro newspaper free or other people in the land
I usually see China's TV programs, I love most is variety show and TV show, my favorite TV show has Princess Pearl, is China's very red step TV show, is a classic, and Misty rain, Princess Pearl is the inside of the performers is also very nice I feel inside songs very good to listen, I recently in looking at the Journey to the West, acted in the play is a very interesting monkey with teacher buddhist scriptures, the TV programs are look on the net, because my family was not Chinese satellite TV, but I like two Chinese TV is hunan satellite TV and jiangsu TV, the two television is suitable for young people see, idols appear in more.
As for variety show I prefer to see some star interview program, encourage program, help
3-你每天看多久电视?Usually when I come home after school done the first thing is to open a computer, and find some I like watching the show, if the afternoon class does every day I see seven hours of television, if have no classes in the afternoon I would look for 10 hours, I admit I'm a couch potato, but recently found no very good-looking television so I just look at the two sets of journey to the west, because every day just update two sets, two sets need only 3 hours to read, I have no classes in the afternoon when 13.15 is the afternoon I sleep every night school 12, so there is no show I like I'll on the computer to do some other things like playing games, listening to music, with my friends on the Internet.