亲们 完形填空题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:30:50

亲们 完形填空题
亲们 完形填空题

亲们 完形填空题
In today’s programme,we are going to talk about Emma by Jane Austen.You’ve probably already read Pride and Prejudice【 by 】this writer,but Emma is my favourite book by her.Emma,the main character,doesn’t do everything right.She makes a lot of mistakes,but as the book goes on,she learns more about herself and the people around her.She grows 【as 】a person.This is what makes the book so good for me.Of course,there are also the usual funny characters that you can find in this novel.The first is Emma’s father.He is always thinking about his and other people’s health.When his guests are eating dinner,he tells them 【what 】they shouldn’t eat,so at the end of the meal they have seen lots of delicious food but haven’t tasted it.The second character that I like is Miss Bates.When she has visitors,they find it difficult to say anything at all because she talks so much.It reminded me of some people I know today.Emma is a great book 【which】 still has meaning and is very funny today.Do try reading it foryourself.I am sure you will enjoy it.