it was fortunate that we did not have to carry him.(出自新概念英语第二册65课)其中 have to carry 是什么语法,是翻译成‘不得不’吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:47:52

it was fortunate that we did not have to carry him.(出自新概念英语第二册65课)其中 have to carry 是什么语法,是翻译成‘不得不’吗
it was fortunate that we did not have to carry him.(出自新概念英语第二册65课)
其中 have to carry 是什么语法,是翻译成‘不得不’吗

it was fortunate that we did not have to carry him.(出自新概念英语第二册65课)其中 have to carry 是什么语法,是翻译成‘不得不’吗
have to do sth.不得不做某事
don't have to do sth.不需要做某事

幸运的是我们不必背他。 have to 必须

是have to 的用法,have to 和must 的共同点是都加动词原形,但是must表示主观愿望,而have to 表示客观的,所以才译文“不得不”,但是must是情态动词没有人称和时态的变化,但是have to有,e.g. My sister has to stay at home because of the bad weather. 由于糟糕的天气,我妹妹不得不呆在家里。我妹妹主语是第...


是have to 的用法,have to 和must 的共同点是都加动词原形,但是must表示主观愿望,而have to 表示客观的,所以才译文“不得不”,但是must是情态动词没有人称和时态的变化,但是have to有,e.g. My sister has to stay at home because of the bad weather. 由于糟糕的天气,我妹妹不得不呆在家里。我妹妹主语是第三人称单数,所以用了has to
你的句子当中用到的是have to 的过去式的否定形式。
(2)don't have to =needn't 译文 不必


My purse was stolen on bus yesterday.___(Fortunate),there was no money in it. fortunate fortunate fortunate fortunate It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate enough to escape__in the plane crash.A.killing B.being killed be killed D.having killed So it was fortunate that we didn't have to carry him中it 是形式主语吧,真主是we didn't have to carr Tom did not take away the camera becaure it was just tha same camera( )he lost last week. can you help me to tranlate it to chinese?the first thing that become obvious was her lack of sympathy for others who were not as fortunate there is considered ___ no have been,B,tha it is, having been D.that it was the harder you work it the more fortunate请问 the harder you work it the more fortunate It was believed tha t things would get worse, but ___ it is they are getting better.It was believed that things would get worse, but as it is they are getting better.请翻译成中文. It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate to escape ___ in the plane crash.A.killing be killed C.being killed D.having killed请问该选哪个呢? it was fortunate that we did not have to carry him.(出自新概念英语第二册65课)其中 have to carry 是什么语法,是翻译成‘不得不’吗 1、He loved _ that the product was out of stock.A.when he was when he was to be toldD.that he was told 2、He felt that for a mere twenty pounds,he had a real bargainB.made a fortunate choiceC.little to loseD.had a lucky e 求助五道外语题望得到解释13.Being good at sports is part of _______to be an Australian.a What means b What it means c what means it d What is meant key b 14.It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate to escape _______in the plan fortunate是什么意思 _____(fortunate),he was not badly hurt in the accident.填什么