根据句意和首字母填词1.I prefer m__ to books because they have more pictures in them.2.I often talk with my classmates about pop music and funny books at l__.3.I am sure he has the a__ to do the work well.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:55:03

根据句意和首字母填词1.I prefer m__ to books because they have more pictures in them.2.I often talk with my classmates about pop music and funny books at l__.3.I am sure he has the a__ to do the work well.
1.I prefer m__ to books because they have more pictures in them.
2.I often talk with my classmates about pop music and funny books at l__.
3.I am sure he has the a__ to do the work well.

根据句意和首字母填词1.I prefer m__ to books because they have more pictures in them.2.I often talk with my classmates about pop music and funny books at l__.3.I am sure he has the a__ to do the work well.

magazines 喜欢看杂志超过书,因为杂志的画比较多
lunch 午饭时间高谈阔论
ability 有“能力”做好

根据句意和首字母填词 1.I like the book .It's p____ interesting. I can speak a l____ English 根据句意和首字母填词 根据句意和首字母填词1.I prefer m__ to books because they have more pictures in them.2.I often talk with my classmates about pop music and funny books at l__.3.I am sure he has the a__ to do the work well. 根据句意或首字母填词.I buy this book in a____.填about对吗? l prefer music that is q...and gentle.根据句意和首字母补全单词 根据句意和首字母填词It's good for you to take more e_. David is a t() in a school.根据句意和首字母填词 根据句意和首字母填词Men and women think and behave d____ in many ways. What's your a _____?——15 Peace Road 根据句意和首字母填词 -----Can you go with me today?-----I'm a____I don't have time 根据句意填词,首字母已给出 英语(根据句意和首字母提示填词)1.What is Xiao hong doing in the garden?She is p______flowers. 根据句意和首字母填词Can you come o_ to my house to help me with my English?bangbangmang (2)—When did Columbus d___ America?—In 1492.根据句意和首字母填词 根据首字母提示和句意填词——Is this answer c______?——Yes,it is. 英语根据句意和首字母提示填词whatever you do s____ is the most important ,don't be danger 几道初中英语题 根据句意及首字母填词根据句意及首字母填词1.I want to have a h____ after this week2.Can your grandma make the p____ on the Spring Festival?3.The old man is fat with a l____ white beard. 根据句意和首字母写出单词填空 S____is ringing the bell.横线上填词,那个s是横线上单词的首字母 初一英语根据首字母填词