我的岳母82岁了 英文怎么说短文翻译:我的岳母82岁了.最近,她感觉很不舒服.我的妻子为此十分担忧(worriy about ).她要求看医生.上个月, 我们乘坐她的哥哥的车去丹东市.丹东是个很干净的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:33:43

我的岳母82岁了 英文怎么说短文翻译:我的岳母82岁了.最近,她感觉很不舒服.我的妻子为此十分担忧(worriy about ).她要求看医生.上个月, 我们乘坐她的哥哥的车去丹东市.丹东是个很干净的
我的岳母82岁了 英文怎么说
我的岳母82岁了.最近,她感觉很不舒服.我的妻子为此十分担忧(worriy about ).她要求看医生.上个月, 我们乘坐她的哥哥的车去丹东市.丹东是个很干净的城市.靠近北朝鲜.(DPRK)天气有点热.不过,我们还可以忍受.医生说我的岳母可能得了癌症(have cancer).

我的岳母82岁了 英文怎么说短文翻译:我的岳母82岁了.最近,她感觉很不舒服.我的妻子为此十分担忧(worriy about ).她要求看医生.上个月, 我们乘坐她的哥哥的车去丹东市.丹东是个很干净的
My mother-in-law is 82 years old.Recently,she is feeling very uncomfortable.My wife is worried about her condition.My mother-in-law asked to see a doctor.Last month,we took her brother's car to Dandong.Dandong is a clean city near North Korea.The weather here was a bit warm.However,we can with-stand the hot weather.The doctor diagnosed my mother-in-law may have cancer.

My mother-in-law is 82 years old.Recently,she felt very sick.My wife was worried about it very much and wanted her mother to see a doctor.Last month,we went to Dandong by her big brother's car.Dandong...


My mother-in-law is 82 years old.Recently,she felt very sick.My wife was worried about it very much and wanted her mother to see a doctor.Last month,we went to Dandong by her big brother's car.Dandong is a clean city nearby DPRK.It is a little bit hot here,but we can bear it.The doctor said my mother-in-law maybe suffers from cancer.


My mother-in-law is 82. Recently,She does not fell well. My wife was very worried and wanted to take my mother-in-law to see the doctor.
Last month, Her brother drove us to Dandong which is a cle...


My mother-in-law is 82. Recently,She does not fell well. My wife was very worried and wanted to take my mother-in-law to see the doctor.
Last month, Her brother drove us to Dandong which is a clean city and near to North Korea. It's hot overthere, but still bearable.
The doctor said that my mother-in-law might have cancer.


My mother 82 years old. Recently, she felt very uncomfortable. My wife is very worried about this. She asked the doctor. Last month, we take her brother's car to Dandong. Dandong is a very clean city. Near North Korea. Weather a bit hot. However, we can tolerate. The doctor said my mother may have cancer.

我的岳母82岁了 英文怎么说短文翻译:我的岳母82岁了.最近,她感觉很不舒服.我的妻子为此十分担忧(worriy about ).她要求看医生.上个月, 我们乘坐她的哥哥的车去丹东市.丹东是个很干净的 《长大了我要叫你妈是岳母》你们帮我翻译成英文吧, 岳父,岳母的英文单词怎么说 请问这件事怎么处理!我岳母因有小儿麻痹症,十多年不能行走.前几天不小心崴了下,我岳父和他们村一个女的有染,我岳母就骂了句那个女的.没想到她到我岳母家里打了.可我岳母没办法还手, 谁能帮我翻译一下一篇英文短文的, 我的梦想短文8句话英文带翻译 欢迎光临我的空间翻译英文怎么说 迪我的命翻译英文怎么说 未来岳母后天生日,我打电话给她该怎么说?未来的岳母后天生日,我在外地,不能回去,我要打电话给她,说什么好呢?我不太会说话的, 作需求分析 英文怎么说翻译:我作了一个月的需求分析怎么说? 休学的英文怎么说呀?翻译翻译~所以我休学了.就是so I 英语翻译我想有个家翻译英文怎么说?迷茫英文怎么说迷失了自己英文怎么说 麻烦翻译的时候后面跟着中文我一文盲 照顾下 ““别让我替你操心水电费好吗,老弟?省的物业公司老找我麻烦.”我岳母对她的租客说”用英语怎么说? 翻译下我失恋了用英文怎么说? 我好累,要休息了,翻译英文怎么说 岳母刺字所刺的字为”尽忠报国”还是”精忠报国”?为什么?据我所知古代岳母所刺字实为”尽忠报国”,由于某种误传而变成”精忠报国”.不但如此,”岳母刺字”究竟是否岳母所为也值得 三分钟英语短文(关于奥运的)要有翻译麻烦了!我要参加英文演讲比赛. 想我了?的英文怎么说?