...upon arriving at her class each day中的upon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 20:24:36

...upon arriving at her class each day中的upon
...upon arriving at her class each day中的upon

...upon arriving at her class each day中的upon
upon 可以用on替换,这句相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,即相当于As soon as she arrives her class each day...

= as soon as

upon表示 一。。。。就。。。的意思
相当于as soon as
有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

答案当然是will be waiting ,因为整句话的状态是说目前承诺的将来会发生的事情(在机场的等待是将来要发生的、会持续一段时间的,所以用将来进行式)

...upon arriving at her class each day中的upon arriving in,arriving at造句 upon arriving home ,the girl discovered that she had left her bag at her friend's.这里面的upon是什么意思? upon arriving at 造句上周,我们去了人民公园,一到那我们就开始寻找答案关键是 过去式 这个词组怎么变化 __ our arriving at the airport,we were given a warm welcome by the people there.A.Upon B.For C.A.Upon B.For C.With D.Until at the airport,the suspect got caught by the waiting police从下面四个选项有一个填进空白A.When arrived b.As soon as arrived c.Upon he arrived d.Upon his arriving arriving at 和 arriving on 有什么区别啊? _,we went boating and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the sea under the rising sun.A.Upon arriving B.Upon to arrive C.With arriving D.Arriving ________ the airport,he was arrested by the police.(Unit10-11)A.As soon as arriving?B.Upon he arrived?C.On arriving?D.Upon arrived at为什么选D不选其它?其它选项错在哪里呢?我知道arrive是不及物动词,但是其它选项如果都 arriving 一道高二英语单选 ____ the airport,他被警察抓了.(= = 我一打英文 百度就说不合法,所以用中文代替了 你们懂得)A.As soon as arriving B.Upon he arrivelC.On arrivingD.Upon arrival at我选的B修正 B选项是 Upon he ■一道初中英语题(说理由)upon arriving home the girl discovered that she ______ her bag at her friend'sA.left B.had left C.forgot D.had forgot Upon arriving home,I was surprised to find the paper I had had ___ was missing.这里的upon arriving是什么用法? which terminal you will be arriving at the Heathrow airport We are ____________ji nan next week.A.arriving at B.arrive in C.arriving in D.arrive at We are ____ Ji’nan next week.A.arriving in B.arrive in C.arriving at D.arrive at arriving at the playground,we learn that the football match had begun.arriving at the playground 在句中作什么成分 The truth at last dawned upon me.