帮忙改正这几句话的语法错误(怎样写更通顺)besides he,there are many white heros.they help black people to struggle against the civil-rights.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:31:53

帮忙改正这几句话的语法错误(怎样写更通顺)besides he,there are many white heros.they help black people to struggle against the civil-rights.
besides he,there are many white heros.they help black people to struggle against the civil-rights.

帮忙改正这几句话的语法错误(怎样写更通顺)besides he,there are many white heros.they help black people to struggle against the civil-rights.
Other than him,there are many heros with white skin,all of them are helping the balck people to struggle for the civil rights.

there are many white heros beside him.they help black people struggling against the civil-rights.

帮忙改正这几句话的语法错误(怎样写更通顺)besides he,there are many white heros.they help black people to struggle against the civil-rights. 这几句话中有什么错误,帮忙改正下, 这句话有语法错误吗?Participate in the two projects,complete the PLC programming.如果有,请帮忙改正,恩,对的 帮忙把这句话的语序弄得更通顺点【要么得过且过的生活,要么就努力 争取过上好日子】意思不变,语言改的更好些. 英语翻译尽量翻译得通顺一点!还有这句话的后半句有语法错误吗?没有的话,它的句子结构是怎样的?这句话算是真实条件的虚拟语气吗? 麻烦帮我修改一下这篇英文短文下面是我写的一篇短文,麻烦高人帮忙改一下.有语法错误的改正,有遣词不地道的改正,有别扭的句子改正,有我用中文写的帮着翻成英文.非常感谢~~The friend nomina 帮忙给写几句话 怎样写妈妈的性格特点几句话 下次见面将会是怎样的情形呢.请帮忙用英语翻译这句话 怎样说更贴切点 It's not to do with me if she is rich!这句话对吗?有没有语法错误,有的话怎么改正,没有的话怎样翻译! Are you scare No!Even not a little!请帮忙翻译这几句话,并指出有没有语法错误? 请帮忙改正一下这几句话中的语法错误,1、Don't miss the sun to tears,missed today's the sun,as long as you can face up to the night,and the pursuit of attachment in the night,so,flashing in the night sky,the stars will still give you r 爸爸在看书这句话怎样写得更优美? 怎样让句子更通顺真正有价值的事不在于评说的长,而恰恰是简短的概括.短不一定就没有价值,反而更是凝聚的精华.(怎样让这句话变得跟通顺,读起来更顺耳一些?) I'd like to invite you have a meal.这句话有语法错误吗.请改正 it is winter now这句话有没有语法错误.有的话要怎么改正 it is winter now这句话有没有语法错误,有的话怎么改正 Time can't slow down even go back有没有语法错误?大家帮忙看看这句话翻译的有没有什么错误 原文是时间不能减速更不能倒转