
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:46:43

还有几个词 企业会计内部控制 基础薄弱 监督不力 加强建设 会计信息系统控制

The establishment,improvement and effective implementation of internal accounting control system plays a particularly important role in the normal development and operation of an enterprise.However,according to the current situation of China,the relative theory analysis is weak; meanwhile the accounting and related clerks are in serious lack of relative knowledge and skills.Therefore,we should start from the analysis of the current problems of enterprises and focus on the central issue of reducing enterprise risk and enhancing the enterprise's economic benefits and profit level,and put forward some suggestions in enterprise's internal accounting control system,so as to find out the loosen parts and further improve enterprise's internal accounting control system.
企业会计内部控制:enterprise's internal accounting control system
基础薄弱:weak basis 或instability
监督不力:(动词表达方式)sb fails to exercise effective control;(名词表达方式)failure in effective control
加强建设:strengthen the construction
会计信息系统控制:the accounting information control system

The establishment, refinement, and effective implementation of the internal accounting control system is extremely important for an enterprise's normal development and operation. However, from the cur...


The establishment, refinement, and effective implementation of the internal accounting control system is extremely important for an enterprise's normal development and operation. However, from the current situation in our country, there has been comparatively weak theoretical foundation, and the accounting personals are in serious lack of relative knowledge and skills. So, we need to start from the analysis of existing problems of enterprise, focus on the central issue of reducing enterprise risk and enhancing the enterprise's economic benefits and profit level, and bring out several suggestions in enterprise's internal accounting control system, so as to find out the loosen parts and further improve enterprise's internal accounting control system.


Enterprises' internal accounting control system, the establishment of sound and effective implementation for an enterprise's normal development and operations are particularly important. However, from...


Enterprises' internal accounting control system, the establishment of sound and effective implementation for an enterprise's normal development and operations are particularly important. However, from the current situation, our study, serious lack of accounting personnel related knowledge and skills, so from the analysis of existing problems of enterprise, enterprise risk reduction, enhance the enterprise economic benefits and profit level is the core enterprise internal accounting control, and puts forward some Suggestions of the system. To find out, through better improve enterprise internal accounting control system.






英语翻译企业内部会计控制制度的建立、健全及有效实施对于一个企业的正常发展和运营尤为重要.然而从我国现状来看,相关理论研究较为薄弱,财会人员严重缺乏相关知识与技能,因此从分析 英语翻译内部控制是企业管理内部事务,降低企业经营风险的重要手段.随着我市大部分中小民营企业的不断发展和规模的扩大,建立和健全完备的内控制度成为企业建设的重要内容.本文就无锡 “内部会计控制”的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译本文认为,为了切实增强企业内部会计控制,必须强化企业内部牵制制度;科学合理地建立健全企业内部会计控制制度;提高管理层内部控制意识;提高人员素;切实加强计算机管理 浅析超市内部会计控制的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译现代企业理论和管理实践表明,企业一切管理工作,都是从建立和健全内部控制开始的;企业的一切活动,都无法游离于内部控制之外.可以说“得控则强,失控则弱,无控则乱”.内部控制 企业内部会计制度建设英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译浅议我国企业内部会计控制制度的完善摘要:随着我国加入WTO和市场的逐步深入,对自身管理水平和管理深度的要求越来越高,一个企业的成功首先是管理的成功.化企业要实现现代化 英语翻译企业内外环境的日益复杂和企业间竞争的加剧,使企业发生财务风险的可能性不断提高,如何防范和控制财务风险,已成为企业内部管理的重要内容之一.内部会计控制作为内部控制的核 英语翻译目前我国企业内部控制存在着控制环境失控、内部会计系统混乱及控制程序失效等问题,其原因主要是对内控的认识存在偏差、企业治理结构的不合理、内部考核机制的失效及企业内 英语翻译目前我国企业内部控制存在着控制环境失控、内部会计系统混乱及控制程序失效等问题,其原因主要是对内控的认识存在偏差、企业治理结构的不合理、内部考核机制的失效及企业内 英语翻译内部会计控制对企业来说十分重要,对保护企业财产物资的安全、会计信息的真实和完整以及财务活动的合法和有效有重要作用,是中小企业健康发展的保障.在竞争日益激烈的市场环 英语翻译摘 要随着改革的不断深入,市场经济体系日益完善对会计工作提出了前所未有的要求.作为金融企业,如何做好目前的会计工作,增强内部会计控制的有效性,在新一轮经济全球化的竞争 英语翻译摘要:上市公司的规范运作是证券市场稳定、持续发展的基石,而上市公司的规范运作依赖于内部控制制度的健全和有效执行.内部控制的重大缺陷决定内部控制有效性判断,是内部控 “摘要本文比较全面地论证了内部会计控制规范的建立基础问题.文中表达的基本观念是:强化内部会计控制的思想基础是内部控制观念的逐步拓展与对内部会计控制工作管理方位的全面认识 《榆林羊老大集团内部会计控制研究 》英语翻译 英语翻译“家族式管理”的酒店代表了中国一大部分的酒店企业,这些企业没有一套完善健全的管理制度、财务制度,操作程序不规范,监督制度不专业,成本控制漏洞较大,浪费现象严重.只有制 企业如何加强建立健全的内部控制制度 ?