用person的形式填空1.the general manger interviewed the visitors in ( ).2.may I see the chairman( )and talk about the matter with him?3.our discussion shoudn't involve( )problems.4.the environment plays an important part in the formation of a( )

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:21:42

用person的形式填空1.the general manger interviewed the visitors in ( ).2.may I see the chairman( )and talk about the matter with him?3.our discussion shoudn't involve( )problems.4.the environment plays an important part in the formation of a( )
1.the general manger interviewed the visitors in ( ).
2.may I see the chairman( )and talk about the matter with him?
3.our discussion shoudn't involve( )problems.
4.the environment plays an important part in the formation of a( )'s ( )

用person的形式填空1.the general manger interviewed the visitors in ( ).2.may I see the chairman( )and talk about the matter with him?3.our discussion shoudn't involve( )problems.4.the environment plays an important part in the formation of a( )
4.person personality

person personality

1 personal
2 person
3 personal
4 person personal

初一英语试题,请用所给词的适当形式填空.Helen is the ______ person to come here.(one) you must be _____(kid).There is no person in the house用适当的形式填空 英语___as a responsible person,Tony was appointed head of the department.用judge 的形式填空! 英语___as a responsible person,Tony was appointed head of the department.用judge 的形式填空!讲明道理(^_^) 用所给的词的适当形式填空 There are two ____(person)outside May i ask you some_____(person) questions?用括号内的适当形式填空 1.He thought that comouters would never be_____(use)by most people.2.It will be difficult for a robot _____(do)the same things as a person.请用所给单词的正确形式填空 一.用恰当的词填空1.The________woman is mother2.The________place is desert3.The________season is winter二.补全下列句子1.The oldest person you know is__________2.The youingest person you know is_________3.The prettiest person you know is The ( )is a person who's in charge of money in a company.(account)用适当形式填空,为什么? 用所给形式的正确形式填空1.the bus will----[leave] in five minutes2.it will take him two hours -------[finish] the work3.he is always the first person---------[get] to the classroom.4.he is able to finish the homework today[改为同义句 几道英语练习题,一、用所给单词的正确形式填空.1.I‘m going to ___ (stay) at home today.2.Our school is ___ (difference) from hers.二、选择.1.The farmer want to learn ___ the most corn.A.what to get B.where to get C.which to ge Who is the third person (get)on the moon填空填什么,同学说gets,对么是根据所给词的正确形式填空 用person的适当形式填空 she made a( )donation to the fun.The boss presented the prizes( ) ,which made the winnHis wife was very beautiful but seened to have no ( ) person 的名词形式 用person的形式填空1.the general manger interviewed the visitors in ( ).2.may I see the chairman( )and talk about the matter with him?3.our discussion shoudn't involve( )problems.4.the environment plays an important part in the formation of a( ) 用所给的词适当形式填空1,The teacher came into the classroom while the students( ){talk}loudly2,Many people in China have ( ){person}computers at home3,Grandpa ( ){bring}me some oranges last week There is a funny film star________(call)Ge You in China.填什么跟据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空. 用所给词的适当形式填空1.While I was walking down the street ,the UFO____(land)suddenly.2.The meeting has to be______(cancel)because of the sudden fire.3.Peter worked as a______(person) interpretor for the boss after he graduated from Harva